I hate it when someone else takes the piece of food I mentally claimed

I hate it when someone else takes the piece of food I mentally claimed

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

(Moist dark chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow filling and malted chocolate buttercream)

i hate it when someone else takes the piece of food i mentally claimed

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Jeremy Dahl
Jeremy Dahl
13 years ago

Charlie Sheen level hate?

Julie Montgomery
Julie Montgomery
13 years ago

+1 for the yum

William Betalleluz Donayre
William Betalleluz Donayre
13 years ago

Yummy…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

omar dounasr
omar dounasr
13 years ago


ali daban
ali daban
13 years ago

yummy 🙂

Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
13 years ago

chocolate, yum!

Daymond Decker
Daymond Decker
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain why must you continue to torture me!

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

If you didn't bring enough for the whole class…
Now I'm craving cupcakes (these in particular)… thanks Amanda =P

Bradley Larcher
Bradley Larcher
13 years ago

OMG I want it. If i could have reached in through the monitor and grab it I would. CHOCOLATE

Kyle Mecklem
Kyle Mecklem
13 years ago

Mentally claimed? I love it!

Jannifer Stoddard
Jannifer Stoddard
13 years ago

Where can I get the recipe +Amanda Blain ??

Sebastian Hendowski
Sebastian Hendowski
13 years ago

And 6 hours later plus.google.com/116046131107486389598/posts/biUbe91mxpK

Kristie Doherty
Kristie Doherty
13 years ago

Yummmmm! want so hard!

Jannifer Stoddard
Jannifer Stoddard
13 years ago

Seriously – I NEED the recipe +Amanda Blain ?

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

go go gadget Google reverse image search:
http://www.thepastryaffair.com/blog/2011/8/13/malted-chocolate-cupcakes-with-toasted-marshmallow-filling.html Those should be the dessert droids you are looking for +Jannifer Stoddard

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

yup… sorry was traveling.. those are the cupcake!

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

speaking of traveling +Amanda Blain , if you run into the Skepticality crew, tell +Derek Colanduno and +Robynn McCarthy I said hi (they're usually hiding out in the Skeptrack area)…. and, of course, have yourself tons of fun while you're there (lots of pics or it never happened).

Jannifer Stoddard
Jannifer Stoddard
13 years ago

I love the dessert droids! +Brett Bjornsen And you saved the day and my chocolate cravings!

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

I'm always happy to utilize my powers of Google-fu for good.

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