2 or More Cats Makes you a Crazy Cat Lady

2 or More Cats Makes you a Crazy Cat Lady

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Crazy Cat Lady.  Good thing I only have one. Why are so many people allergic to or greatly dislike cats? They are so cute and awesome.

crazy cat lady

What is a Crazy Cat Lady?

The crazy cat lady is a common, recognisable trope in contemporary culture: think of that frantic running around woman who buckets of cats as far as the eye can see. After a promising career in law, she experiences a burnout, starts drinking whiskey and gets a cat. Next minute, she’s talking gibberish, looking dishevelled and throwing her army of cats everywhere with tears in her eyes.  The younger version of the stereotype is usually associated with being single, strange and weird.

The History Of Crazy Cat Ladycat 1553039072

The earliest cat ladies were of course, those halloween favorites – witches. Well before those crazy witch-hunts, cats had a bad rep in the western world. Cats dealt with the devil. Cats were related to your lust filled sex life. Although, in recent pop culture, for whatever reason the crazy  cat lady has evolved into shorthand for a lonely, sad, pathetic, sexless woman. Can’t win you know. Too sexy, not sexy enough. Cats get all the bad reps.

The concept of the crazy cat lady tells us more about societies view on women much more than anything else. It has long been a negative term and a way to put shame and judgment on women who challenged traditional female roles, or were hard to domesticate and keep in line. Sure there are those hoarder animal cat people – but they are few and far between to the average single female who owns a cat or two.

Besides all this, cats are a super popular pet often beating past the dog as low maintenance, friendly pets to have around your home.  We live in the future and women are tired of defending themselves and their love for their cats. The views are slowly changing.


2 or more cats makes you a crazy cat lady


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johana madrid
johana madrid
12 years ago


Charles Gaines
Charles Gaines
12 years ago


Stephen Sargent
Stephen Sargent
12 years ago

🙂 We like both here Amanda. We just happen to not own any dogs.I was raised on a ranch and grew up around animals and my wife had cats when I met her.

Summer Ellen
Summer Ellen
12 years ago

My little boy always says about our cat, "My kitty so cute!" lol

Charles Bowling
Charles Bowling
12 years ago


Eric Hansen
Eric Hansen
12 years ago

They are piss and puke factories, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

OMG! to funny….LOL!….LOL!!!

Grant Lanning
Grant Lanning
12 years ago

i dont dislike them but they dislike me. i swear every woman ive dating that has owned a cat. The cat has attacked me whenever i slept over. 

inma cateura nogue
inma cateura nogue
12 years ago

demandas para aca por correo 

Nicholas Burkard
Nicholas Burkard
12 years ago


Danial Hallock
Danial Hallock
12 years ago

I, personally, dislike cats for several reasons:

(1) That cat smell.  I don't care how hygenic you are, you have that cat smell.
(2) People with cats talk about cats.  I don't like dog people who constantly talk about their dogs, but so far I've not met a person with whom I was surprised to find out they owned a cat.
(3) They're useless.
(5) The meow makes me want to punch something.

Brandon Thompson
Brandon Thompson
12 years ago

I'm allergic to them, and I hate it, because I love cats.  Though I think unlike people who blatantly dislike cats, I can't really help being allergic.  🙂

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

I raised two adult's I am done is me time now,sorry kitty's!

Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong
12 years ago

Guaranteed to contain no "smotherers" 

inma cateura nogue
inma cateura nogue
12 years ago

traduce por favor 

Randal Saladbar
Randal Saladbar
12 years ago

I'm not allergic to them and your right they are cute, but they are snobs!  From the looks of them they are saying "HOW DARE YOU!" 

Jeremy Di Pietro
Jeremy Di Pietro
12 years ago

I have 2.

Denise Garcia
Denise Garcia
12 years ago

They are gorgeous, i am definitely a cat person but our hooch wont let me… 🙁

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Nope.. they are saying.. Aww a human… where's the cat food?

Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

Your order is ready :p Cahraazeee!

Sana Nazakat
Sana Nazakat
12 years ago

My rommate has SEVERE cat phobia,she would freak at even a little meow cmng frm distance.

Glenn parent
Glenn parent
12 years ago

danial=you dont know what your missing=they can become great friends=and are easy to take care of=and you dont have to take them for a walk ,so they can shit=ps =empty the litter box once in a while cats dont smell.

Victoria Withered
Victoria Withered
12 years ago


Tara Mulder
Tara Mulder
12 years ago

I find that many people who don't have them assume they won't like cats.  And then are super surprised when they come across a properly socialised one, who are more like puppies who are litter trained and are a lil' more independent.  (My little Puggs would play fetch all day, every day, if people would keep throwing balls for him to fetch.  And whenever possible, Tiger still wants to be petted and loved, even after 13 years.)  There's an old myth that if a kitten is touched by a person before a certain age, the mother will reject them.  Which not only is untrue, but has traditionally made it so that cats don't properly socialise to humans.  Non-socialised cats tend to not be as friendly, which is the type people think of.  Also, there's a stupid stereotype that "real" men aren't supposed to like cats.  But in the end, at least in the States, there are more cats as pets than dogs.  (Can't find the number for Canada.)

kohler valeriakohler
kohler valeriakohler
12 years ago

it is cute

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

I just have no time they are precious and very loving.

inma cateura nogue
inma cateura nogue
12 years ago

mamádamelos por correo jejejeje 

Aubrey Sarracino
Aubrey Sarracino
12 years ago

you know your allergic to there saliva not there fur exactly 🙂 just thought i'd say that 🙂

Remi Battaglia
Remi Battaglia
12 years ago

Luv your posts +Amanda Blain keep 'em coming 🙂

Josie Dryden
Josie Dryden
12 years ago

I have 3 so i guess im a crazy cat lady! I love my kitties, especially my new lil one. Hes been thru alot 2 b so young but hes the happiest most loving lil guy!

Roger Murley
Roger Murley
12 years ago

TIL that I am a crazy cat lady.

Tara Mulder
Tara Mulder
12 years ago

Actually, , some are allergic to the saliva, some are allergic to the dander, and some are allergic to the fur. 

Jitendra Mulay
Jitendra Mulay
12 years ago

Really sweet kitties…enjoy !

Zeeshan Ghauri
Zeeshan Ghauri
12 years ago

all in 1 cats

Marei Nagy
Marei Nagy
12 years ago

Crazy Cat Lady Starter KitTEN, pls

Pete Daly
Pete Daly
12 years ago

Thanks Amanda, looks like my house!

Hayes Starns
Hayes Starns
12 years ago

I don't see how anyone could handle more than one… My little Terri is all I need haha

Ramilo Holter
Ramilo Holter
12 years ago

It sures  A  Caturday here too…Happy   Caturday…!  I want one..meow  mix…

manoj mangad
manoj mangad
12 years ago

hai nice all beautiful CAT

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

What I hate most about them is that they're smug sh*t stirrers. We have had many dogs, and each of them was fond of sitting inside the window keeping a eye out for threats. Happy out, like.
When one of these creature would saunter across the lawn and stop right in front of the window and give them a smug look, driving the dogs off there heads.
Also, I hate when they have there S&M sex sessions right under your bedroom window at 5 in the morning, with them screaming like a baby banshee been knifed.

aura gochenour
aura gochenour
12 years ago

i love any breed! but my house will smell if i have more than 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Appleseed Humanity, Inc.
Appleseed Humanity, Inc.
12 years ago

Spend one day with a 6-week old Lab puppy. Cute & Awesome…right off the charts.

Parker Pentz
Parker Pentz
12 years ago

cats are a lot better than dogs!!!  Cats will let you hold them and pet them with out them licking your face with thier gross tounges.

Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
12 years ago

2 or more huh ?  ….   I have 6  =)

aura gochenour
aura gochenour
12 years ago

hey i have a dog and he'll let me hold him!

Parker Pentz
Parker Pentz
12 years ago

so. What kind is he?

William Willett
William Willett
12 years ago

Not a lady, have pugs not cats, I like the crazy part though.

Mark Joseph
Mark Joseph
12 years ago

Cats are relatively clean the box only stinks because people are too lazy to clean it

Parker Pentz
Parker Pentz
12 years ago

Pugs. The worst dogs there is.

aura gochenour
aura gochenour
12 years ago

no pugs r cute

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