Want To See The Magic of Google Plus - Version 5

Want To See The Magic of Google Plus – Version 5

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

*Want To See The Magic of Google Plus – Version 5*

New to Google Plus? Not quite sure you 'get it' yet? Use other networks like Twitter or Facebook? Make a commitment to spend 15 minutes that you would spend on those sites, here on Gplus for 2 weeks. In those 15 minutes do these following 4 steps. Anyone who actually does these things will love it here and can never say "it's dead". Try it. I Dare you. 

1. Create Yourself – Fully Complete your Profile. Post a photo of yourself, people like talking to other people. Decide which interests you would like to focus on, on G+. Pick some Hobbies, Work, General Categories etc. Think things like Photography, Geek, Tech, Android Fan, Tv shows you like, Your Career(Real estate agent, Tech Support, Business Owner), Art, Gaming, Wine Lover, Cat person Or the City You Live In. People can quickly scan and determain that you might have some stuff in common and then easily circle you back. Spend a few moments on this. Seriously. 

2. Create Public Posts Often – Those interests you picked in Step 1? Post about them daily. Make sure the post are Public and not limited to your circles, otherwise no one will see it. Find interesting articles to share, you tube videos, pictures and make posts about them. Make sure some is 'your own' not just reshares of others. Use pictures. Google Images is a good source. G+ likes pictures. 

3. Follow Others – Find other people who have similar interest as you and circle them first. Go up to the search bar and type in those interests you picked in step 1. Game of thrones, Web development, wine, zombies, Michael Jackson. People here are fans and they are talking about it. Circle up at least 500 People. 1000 is still golden. Look for some circle shares to add groups of people easily. There are tons of circle shared linked in my profiles about section(http://goo.gl/eFcal). These people you are circling will likely all be strangers. Get over that. You do NOT need to know people in real life to talk about Iphones or Cooking, but you can have a great conversation. Perhaps even better than with local 'real life friends'. Try it.

4. Engage others – Go up and down your stream right now and Reshare neat things, comment, click the link, read the story, comment on other peoples comments or mention others who might like that post. +1s generally mean you read it and agree. Do that too.. but most prefer to you to comment on their post in some way. Try and make comments better than "lol" but engage other people in some way. Remember to mute the post if the conversation is not interesting to you anymore with the drop down arrow at the top right of every post.

Rinse and Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 daily for best results. This will take some time to get started, but its fun. But do it regularly with those 15 minutes and You can make connections that will completely change your life. Google Plus is a truly amazing website if you follow these steps. Make it yours.


*The people who tend to not 'get' Google Plus*
1) Don't have a completed public profile
2) Post once every 2 weeks (what would your Twitter look like if you tweeted once every 2 weeks?) You don't need to stop using the other sites you use, but you DO need to spend some time here, regularly.
3) Broadcast only – Never talk to anyone else here and expect people to be clicking their stories and commenting on their stuff when there is a HUGE stream of information going by.

Gplus is VERY give and take. Spend a few moments developing relationships with the above steps and you WILL have people visiting your blog without you asking/self promoting. Promise.


Please share with your circles and new friends on G+.

want to see the magic of google plus version 5

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Natalie Dombrowski
Natalie Dombrowski
12 years ago

amanda check ur email? i sent you the link to the blog

and i like the picture on this post.

Nobilangelo Ceramalus
Nobilangelo Ceramalus
12 years ago

Plus! :-)))

Jason Brabander
Jason Brabander
12 years ago

Great tips !

enda febrian
enda febrian
12 years ago


William Furby
William Furby
12 years ago

Thanks for the helpful tips. Guess I should fill out my profile. 🙂

Brendan Farrell
Brendan Farrell
12 years ago

Great steps.  Post original content.Don't be afraid to put your ideas out there, you'll find tons of like minded people.

Miguel K
Miguel K
12 years ago

Excellent post, very nicely done!

Mathew Hanley
Mathew Hanley
12 years ago

Better read this if I want to get my numbers up I reckon
I do all this anyway

Rajesh Narayanan
Rajesh Narayanan
12 years ago

Excellent post

Allisa Young
Allisa Young
12 years ago

Love this article on Google+… Its a cross between Facebook & Twitter! 😉

Tracy Wilson
Tracy Wilson
12 years ago

 … yes, I agree. A most excellent post and a reminder to those who struggle just a little to connect with G+.

Jude Teico
Jude Teico
12 years ago


Floyd V. Doc DeVore
Floyd V. Doc DeVore
12 years ago

Good post.

brian james
brian james
12 years ago

Still having a little trouble navigating it.

Lorne Hammond
Lorne Hammond
12 years ago

Thats great Amanda, thats how I found you after all

Deyanira Villalta
Deyanira Villalta
12 years ago

In the words of Captain Piccard, "Engage."

Selvaraja Ratnam
Selvaraja Ratnam
12 years ago


Pete Forte
Pete Forte
12 years ago

So true! I love G+ wayyyy more fun than fb

Mark Maness
Mark Maness
12 years ago

Thanks Amanda. Great Tips. 😉

Eduardo Morales
Eduardo Morales
12 years ago

I'm going to give this a go. Thanks .

Ray Hiltz
Ray Hiltz
12 years ago

  Excellent. Amanda, especially like…
2) Post once every 2 weeks (what would your Twitter look like if you tweeted once every 2 weeks?) You don't need to stop using the other sites you use, but you DO need to spend some time here, regularly

Mark Carlson
Mark Carlson
12 years ago

Alrighty I need to get to it.

Edward Browne
Edward Browne
12 years ago

ok  you got me

Jean Otani
Jean Otani
12 years ago

Very nice info. Thanks . I actually find G+ more fun,interactive and tasteful than any other out there.

Gerardo Gutierrez
Gerardo Gutierrez
12 years ago


Jason Hinds
Jason Hinds
12 years ago

As a casual outsider and very infrequent user of all social media, I feel like I am protecting something sacred for some reason when I don't try to sacrifice my time and my attention to largely mundane topics (which is 90% of social networking in my experience).  Granted I am no luddite–and embrace technology and its wonders.  No disrespect–do appreciate the helpfulness.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Whatever works for ya  … G+ is what you make it..

Edward Browne
Edward Browne
12 years ago

wasn't one of your earlier post   to try and reply to comments as well?

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

G+ is far from dead.
Its just not number 1(a unimpressive 5th ; numbers wise. In the few sites who rate it ) because it appeals mostly to professionals in design, coding, and illustration. 
This makes it more important that Facebook, MySpace, and certainly the shallow Twitter as it can allow a greater level of choice of communication between them.
You can post your work (while still retaining ownership over your intellectual property) to the public, then have a critique with your peer's on what right/wrong with it in a private circle.
This makes it a better service than the others, but what it keeps banging it's head against is its lack of the user numbers it's competition have.
It seem's to be what the people want but don't use

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

 … yes… interacting is important but i say its level 2 🙂

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

A question for you  .
As someone with two million plus followers, and more than two thousand in your circle. How do you deal with the huge amount of posts that appear in your stream?

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I'm always testing things  … currently i have heavily used the circle "appear in stream" slider to try and get better results…  I have gmail filters set up….

Truth is.. i miss lots.. way too much… i had to accept that… Sadly though many times people feel i don't like them or snub them cause i dont respond… i usually respond in some way to most things i see.. either a  + or a comment…

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

Fair enough.
I think everyone understands that they can't be the centre of your world ('cept stalkers).
Just curious, as this is really me getting to know social media, I thank you for your answer.

Gerardo Gutierrez
Gerardo Gutierrez
12 years ago

your really nice

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

… i guess its really the point.. social media is what you want it to be.. are you promoting something? hanging out..? doing something besides watching tv? Want to make new friends? Read news? Everyone is a little different… and your "strategy" will be different too… 🙂 The above tips will open the door to.. "there are people here.. LOTS OF THEM… say hi"…. 🙂

Jebus LuvsPie
Jebus LuvsPie
12 years ago

And make an alter ego who is your complete opposite from Facebook.

Theo WolF
Theo WolF
12 years ago

 I don't even know how you have to to respond to even half of what you see, unless you have minions or some such! Regardless, I don't take offence if you don't comment. I don't feel snubbed.

The one time I have felt even vaguely snubbed on G+ was when I discovered that someone I had followed for some time had their settings such that I couldn't reply to their public posts. Not that I had anything earth-shattering to say. 🙂 

Still, it was a bit of a surprise to find that the one time I tried to respond to a thread, I couldn't. I uncircled them. Social media should be, well, interactive. If you can't join in the conversation, you're consigned to eavesdropping.

Jebus LuvsPie
Jebus LuvsPie
12 years ago

duh that's because your a   ————->

….lone wolf badumpush

Brian Jones
Brian Jones
12 years ago

Good tips, thanks.

Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez
12 years ago

Google plus, is growing and growing to cover a full 360.

Pethro Sofola
Pethro Sofola
12 years ago


Derrick Simmons
Derrick Simmons
12 years ago

I think I might post this on Facebook, maybe I can get my friends on there to move to a much better site.

Pethro Sofola
Pethro Sofola
12 years ago

yeah that' a good idea

Derrick Simmons
Derrick Simmons
12 years ago

I tried when g+ was a beta and I was telling them that, but they must like the privateless site. I can't stand that Facebook tells everyone everything you do and I don't care about what this person said on this post. I don't understand why they have privacy settings when there's nothing private about it.

rimas fakhrie
rimas fakhrie
12 years ago

i follow..tq

Gergely Pongrácz
Gergely Pongrácz
12 years ago


Sidiki Traore
Sidiki Traore
12 years ago


Susmita Bhowmik
Susmita Bhowmik
12 years ago


12 years ago

vamos conversar pelo fe

Doug B
Doug B
12 years ago

i agree it takes some time but it is worth it….

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