The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.

The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.

by Amanda Blain
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The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.

the difference between fiction and reality fiction has to make sense

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Paul Gallon
Paul Gallon
13 years ago

Even Lost?

Akshay Bist
Akshay Bist
13 years ago

Good fiction has to make sense.

James Cowan
James Cowan
13 years ago

+Akshay Bist When good fiction makes such horrible mistakes that it takes you of the story, it loses.

Akshay Bist
Akshay Bist
13 years ago

+James Cowan when that happens, it isn't good fiction anymore. It might have been good up until that point, but not after that.

Marie Axelsson
Marie Axelsson
13 years ago

+Paul Gallon Lost makes perfect sense if you watch the whole thing (which I did recently).

Michael-Forest M.
Michael-Forest M.
13 years ago

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."
—Mark Twain (from Following the Equator )

John Cunningham
John Cunningham
13 years ago

What, you saying Star Wars doesn't make any sense?….:P

Troy Hicks
Troy Hicks
13 years ago

Nice up Amanda!

Claude Beaulieu
Claude Beaulieu
13 years ago

Then, I'm not fiction …

Monica Applesworth
Monica Applesworth
13 years ago

LOL. Me too, I am not fiction :)))

premraj kamburath
premraj kamburath
13 years ago


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