*School Shootings Around the World - An Interesting Map*

*School Shootings Around the World – An Interesting Map*

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I usually keep my posts here out of politics and post happy fun things, but today I came across this article showing school shootings around the world since 1996.

Notice anything strange about this world map? Why does all of China, India, Africa  Australia, The Middle East, Most of South America, Most of Europe and Canada NOT have this problem?

It's Time To Wake up America


Yes there was a China knifing today… that injured 22 children… not killed.. Injured. Yes, this map is not complete.. Yes there are more deaths from suicide, murder, drug war lords etc… But the fact remains… There are a heck of a lot of  MORE school related shootings in the USA than anywhere else BY FAR in the whole freaking world.

I'm not posting this for political opinion changing… People have reasons for believing what they do…  I don't fault anyone for their beliefs… 🙂 Maybe someone will see this and think… that's all i posted it for 🙂

school shootings around the world an interesting map

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janek kowalski
janek kowalski
12 years ago


Stephanie Van Pelt
Stephanie Van Pelt
12 years ago

A note though: China had a school stabbing today. Something like 22 kids stabbed to death. They had a rash of them last year.

Brett Gibson
Brett Gibson
12 years ago

Australia has very strict gun control laws.  They work.

Mark Shirley
Mark Shirley
12 years ago

If parents were allowed to discipline their children like they once were, we may have avoided a lot of the problems we have had with young people doing stupid $h!t.

Michael Dickerson
Michael Dickerson
12 years ago

You should stick to something funny this does nothing for the victims.  I think we know we have a problem.  Do something constructive. More importantly do something that moves us into the right direction.

Sean Badoud
Sean Badoud
12 years ago

I find it more interesting that it's more on the East coast than anything. It's because our country is full of a over medicated bored country

Saiko Shiroto
Saiko Shiroto
12 years ago


Dean Ledgerwood
Dean Ledgerwood
12 years ago

22 children were stabbed in a classroom in China today.  Maybe this should be updated to portray attacks at schools before guns are to blame.  There is something more sinister going on

Joltrast .
Joltrast .
12 years ago

The one in the UK is Dunblane, Scotland. Unfortunately it's all the town is remembered for these days :o(

Andrew Konietzky
Andrew Konietzky
12 years ago

UK, Austrailia have very strict guns laws… that apparently work. In the UK cops don't even carry guns themselves.

Dinu Popa
Dinu Popa
12 years ago

Blue states or red states? Who produces more psychopaths?

Paul Dail
Paul Dail
12 years ago

Well, that helps to drive the point home.

Kena Herod
Kena Herod
12 years ago

Still there have been awful shootings in Canada from Polytechnic to Dawson College (2006) and laws have loosened about guns in Canada.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I'm sure lots of people including children… have been murdered all over the world today by various ways +Stephanie Van Pelt … but not overly related to the school shootings that are clearly an issue in the USA.

William Carter
William Carter
12 years ago
Anthony Cacaccio
Anthony Cacaccio
12 years ago

just a sad day, i'm def hugging my kids so god damn hard tonight.

Rafael Hernandez
Rafael Hernandez
12 years ago

Yes! We're in first place! Go USA! Lol

ButterFly Girl
ButterFly Girl
12 years ago

Very interesting, but not surprising.

Ian Roseman
Ian Roseman
12 years ago

What are the statistics in the Congo, or China?  Doesn't reflect in your picture.

Ely Hitc
Ely Hitc
12 years ago

so sad Let's pray for all families to heal soon

Michael Bubb
Michael Bubb
12 years ago

more meaningful would be a map of violence against children. The states in Africa with child soldiers have no dots – how meaningful is this?

Nesbi Maret
Nesbi Maret
12 years ago

Big hug  

Anny Grace
Anny Grace
12 years ago

Actually, the majority of Canada's population are all squished in southern Ontario and that's where there are the most school shootings, but yeah, we don't get them often.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I am sure this map is not flawless  …. There are stricter media controls on what comes out of several countries… (perhaps part of why its not such an issue) but this source is saying .. none.

Carl Knox
Carl Knox
12 years ago

that map is due for an up date?

Beate Struzyna
Beate Struzyna
12 years ago


Brian Klippel
Brian Klippel
12 years ago

Please overlay a school density map to at least pretend to be scientific.  Not that I don't see a problem, it's just that this is a rigged visual aid.  I think when you correlate school density and population density (some areas have a lot of schools, bot not many people, some have a lot of people and no schools) that the science becomes rational enough to debate. Maybe we can incorporate mass stabbings to relate whether this is a violence issue or a gun issue. If you want the argument to hold water, present it in proper context.

Michael Bubb
Michael Bubb
12 years ago
Harald Walker
Harald Walker
12 years ago

On an average day, eight Americans aged 19 or under are killed by firearms – over a year, that adds up to more than the number who perished in the World Trade Centre on 9/11.

Eddie Chaplin
Eddie Chaplin
12 years ago

LOL oh LAWD I'm so sorry for having to laugh but… are we seriously going to infer from this graphic that Africa and the Middle east doesn't have any gun violence?

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

and  this IS me doing something constructive… You might know you have a problem.. but the world really really knows you have a problem… and this highlights that…  but thanks for your thoughts…

Stephanie Van Pelt
Stephanie Van Pelt
12 years ago

 I was just pointing out you can't limit mass-school slayings to guns only. There have been mass school slayings by other means as recently as today.

Kena Herod
Kena Herod
12 years ago

 makes a very real point about massacres (in far many numbers as well as mass rape and all else) not showing up on this map. Not to downplay what happened today–I may live in Canada but I'm a US citizen and it disgusts me that nothing has been done about gun control for DECADES after so many tragedies like today's in the US. And Canada, where I've lived for many years, has had it's own share of gun shootings and deaths.

Michael Bubb
Michael Bubb
12 years ago

And the month before:


Where do you get your data – completely irresponsible

James Britt
James Britt
12 years ago

Very interesting though the title for the map is incorrect,as it includes shootings other than school shootings.

Shaker Cherukuri
Shaker Cherukuri
12 years ago

If that is not proof that we need a repeal of the 2nd that I don't know what is.

Daniel Mandel
Daniel Mandel
12 years ago

For those that keep bringing up the incident in China, the children were hurt not dead. 

Unlike what happened in Connecticut 


Alan Rimkeit
Alan Rimkeit
12 years ago

Yeah, right, America is the only place with gun violence.  Except for Africa, Burma, Mexico, ect.  the only reason that America looks so bad is because we actually report on the gun violence unlike most other nations that have just as many guns as America.

The whole world has a problem.  No one can deny it.  Stop trying to frame this as just being an American problem.  Because that is ridiculous.

Phillip Ryan
Phillip Ryan
12 years ago

Because parents stopped spanking kids and replaced it with giving them a sense of entitlement.

Eric Reich
Eric Reich
12 years ago

Crazy people use what they have. Crazy people exist and do harm, even in poor countries. http://www.courant.com/sns-rt-us-china-stabbingsbre8bd065-20121213,0,5592318.story  Very tragic.

Dale Moritz
Dale Moritz
12 years ago

If this started in 2004 instead of 2006 you would have to include aver 200 dead in Chechnya.

Graham Rogers
Graham Rogers
12 years ago

USA seems to have the most. No surprise there considering their view towards carrying firearms.

Sebastian Wehr
Sebastian Wehr
12 years ago

although it happend in germany i think the circumstances are different. parents didnt lock their weapons safe enouph away, children figured out where the keys where and so on… but in the end i want to say here again that people without guns cant shoot people. besides that yes there was also today in china a man who stabbed 22 people but then again to get a knife off a person is alot easier then a gun.

when america and the other 2nd world war winners took away all the guns of germans 60 years ago they did me a great favour. only hunters and police are allowed to have guns now and thus nobody gets shot (almost). though we do have some people who kill others by hand in subways, others burn their house to get money from ensurance and many other things…

there is no solution yet from my side to all these problems but all i can say is that less people can be shot when there are simply no weapons arround.

at the end i want to add something i found funny from anonymous on twitter:

Today's shooter likely fired more bullets in 1 mass shooting than ENTIRE German Police in all of 2011 | nbcnews.to/UY3n8G |

today every parent should hold their children very tight, they are our kings and queens of the future! support them, love them, teach them and make sure they become great people!

Brian Klippel
Brian Klippel
12 years ago

 It's not "proof" if it's not scientifically complete.

Blake Zimmerman
Blake Zimmerman
12 years ago

To be fair, some of those countries are in constant war and "mass shootings" are more of a common thing than what we see here. Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc have all had issues with war. The European countries and the states, war is not a daily problem, which is why these acts stand out so much. They happen everywhere unfortunately, we just don't hear about it because there, it's not so abnormal. This doesn't account for everywhere, but it does happen. And as for China, we only know what they let past the great firewall, so who knows about there.

Alan Rimkeit
Alan Rimkeit
12 years ago

  – Yes, the most that are actually reported and recorded   How many kids get gunned down in Africa for example that will never be known of?  Think about it.

Michael Buttler
Michael Buttler
12 years ago

Are some of you really desperate enough to suggest a comparison of the US with the Congo ? Unbelievable.

Chris Gray
Chris Gray
12 years ago

unfollow and mute

Shaker Cherukuri
Shaker Cherukuri
12 years ago

Yes,let us do 2 sample T tests  @$#%^

Joseph Gwynne-Jones
Joseph Gwynne-Jones
12 years ago

It's awful. I guess that the right to bear arms is such an part of the American psyche, it's not going to go away. Strict gun controls in EU doesn't mean we cut out gun crimes either, but still…the map is very damning.

I've often read arguments that if more people carried guns, they can stop this – but I do wonder as I've never seen those news over here in UK, but have it happened? Ie a person is going on a shooting spree but was stopped by other people carrying guns?

I would imagine that even if I carried a gun (I don't wish to) if I was to see someone shooting then the first natural reaction is to hide rather than to think to pull out a gun and shoot back? I ask as a Brit since I have no idea what that's like and have no idea how I would react really.

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