CSS Coder Geek Tattoo... Win Or Fail?

CSS Coder Geek Tattoo… Win Or Fail?

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Here's one for all the web devs…. … Personally.. although super geeky, most of the population would not really get it.. and the placement? Front forearm?  How many times will you have to explain this one?  I vote…  


css coder geek tattoo win or fail

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Robert E. Obrikat jr.
Robert E. Obrikat jr.
12 years ago


Shaun McLane
Shaun McLane
12 years ago

Have fun explaining that in 30 years.

William Furby
William Furby
12 years ago

I vote for… FAIL! Although I did laugh when I saw it.

Kato Siversøn
Kato Siversøn
12 years ago

no, but it makes me smile… i like seeing geek tattoos. its for self expression (in theory) i like when it reflects their personality.

J Smilanic
J Smilanic
12 years ago

Good idea bad execution. 

Sean O'Reilly
Sean O'Reilly
12 years ago

maybe if not in such an exposed area. though I think I might use that class in the future

alex williams
alex williams
12 years ago

Fail! That tat will get his butt whooped

Luis Galarza
Luis Galarza
12 years ago

Cool but not as permanent tattoo!… :o)

Alicia Saskla Appel
Alicia Saskla Appel
12 years ago

I think the conversation starter will be awesome =) I think it's clever.

doug kuchna
doug kuchna
12 years ago

concept: halfway decent
execution: F-

Amy DeTienne
Amy DeTienne
12 years ago

Generally tattoos only have to make sense/mean something to the person that has it.  This one cracked me up 🙂

Michael Fenimore
Michael Fenimore
12 years ago

A definite win from what I can see. 🙂 
I like it.

Sammy Terry
Sammy Terry
12 years ago

richard morrison
richard morrison
12 years ago

love it

Uzochukwu Bakwenye
Uzochukwu Bakwenye
12 years ago

is it posible to put away fear completly?

Cory Mawhorter
Cory Mawhorter
12 years ago

Not a true css geek… classnames are case insensitive.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Hahhahah I LOVE ? all these comments so far… ehheeh 

Agree in 30 years… this will be a HORRIBLE tattoo 🙂 ehheeh

gil sanchez
gil sanchez
12 years ago

would've looked better on a hat

Sean O'Reilly
Sean O'Reilly
12 years ago

people who think this is full of fail probably are consumers of the geekdom. Not those who make and understand it.  Looks to be too much white space between the dot and the class name

william gordon
william gordon
12 years ago

i cant judge, i have a world of warcraft horde tattoo on my right calf. 
For the Horde !

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
12 years ago

The positioniong might be a little odd, but it's definitely in keeping with the message.

Dadang Siswanto
Dadang Siswanto
12 years ago


ashish kshirsagar
ashish kshirsagar
12 years ago

body { display:none; } 🙂 

Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith
Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith
12 years ago

Well it's got a certain class I suppose

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
12 years ago

Don't know if I should applaud or groan at that, +Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith 

Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

Win for them, but its not for me…my eyes are buggy from seeing code all day anyways!

Ola Birch
Ola Birch
12 years ago

I bet it was young person who made it 🙂 He/She doesn't have kids yet 😀

Kostika D
Kostika D
12 years ago

Base of the back of the neck would be good placement for it I think.

william gordon
william gordon
12 years ago

or wrist.

Kostika D
Kostika D
12 years ago

I don't think it would be that hard to explain in 30 years either. People still make BASIC jokes.

James Britt
James Britt
12 years ago

People capitalize their CSS selectors?  Eww.

12 years ago


Dean Montague
Dean Montague
12 years ago

Failing hard. Very dumb tat.

Alexander Walker
Alexander Walker
12 years ago

i'd do it but not there. probably upper back but i dont do tatoos…lol

Henry Lawrence
Henry Lawrence
12 years ago

Om my gosh! that is awesome (what is aid when i saw this)

Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith
Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith
12 years ago

try { veal();} catch { hereallweek();}

Michael Molash
Michael Molash
12 years ago

Someone doing something that makes them happy and possibly inspires them, epic win.

Doing something regardless of the possible judgements from the peanut gallery, epic win.

Bonding with something you love and love doing, epic win.

Doing it with a double meaning with positive undertones, epic win.

Peter Bordes
Peter Bordes
12 years ago

Fearless dedication and true conviction !

Mike DePaul
Mike DePaul
12 years ago

Better on a shirt than on you're skin

Troy Brisbin
Troy Brisbin
12 years ago

Never thought of creating a .fear class… Love It!!

hema moslem
hema moslem
12 years ago


Shaun McLane
Shaun McLane
12 years ago

Imagine having this as a tattoo – same idea:

10 INPUT "What do you have?: ", U$
20 PRINT "No fear "; U$
30 INPUT "How often do you have fear?: ", N
40 S$ = ""
50 FOR I = 1 TO N
60 S$ = S$ + "*"
90 INPUT "Are you still without fear? ", A$
100 IF LEN(A$) = 0 THEN GOTO 90
110 A$ = LEFT$(A$, 1)
120 IF A$ = "Y" OR A$ = "y" THEN GOTO 30
130 PRINT "Goodbye "; U$
140 END


Drew Bannister
Drew Bannister
12 years ago

Fail, because it's CSS.

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

Geek tattoos.
So tattoos really are no longer cool, then.
What she going to do in 2 years when that code format is no longer used.

Dérian Morgan
Dérian Morgan
12 years ago

what happens when that tag becomes deprecated like most of them?

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

+Dérian Morgan  dammit. You beat me to the joke(dispite what the time line says).

Dérian Morgan
Dérian Morgan
12 years ago


Robert E. Obrikat jr.
Robert E. Obrikat jr.
12 years ago

Ya i love it Chilly 1up

Michael Cuadra
Michael Cuadra
12 years ago

While I am not partial to tattoos with writing, I do like this particular execution of the phrase.

John C Pickens
John C Pickens
12 years ago


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