This is the geekiest thing ever

This is the geekiest thing ever

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I love it completely. ♥

If you liked his Bohemian Rhapsody Remix you'll love this. I'm mesmerized.

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Emma Eeyore Åström
Emma Eeyore Åström
13 years ago

Complete win!

Mikael Guggenheim
Mikael Guggenheim
13 years ago


Vilayna Lasalle
Vilayna Lasalle
13 years ago


Emil Eldhose
Emil Eldhose
13 years ago

wow good

Todd Zimmermann
Todd Zimmermann
13 years ago

Slightly more modern than my high school memories but… picturing comm tech/electronics in high school, b&w Macs, a C64 for backing music + blurry green, really blurry/nasty brown/orange, and a decimated Apple IIC hooked up to a crude CNC router. Flashbacks aren't always bad… Thanks 🙂

Armando de la Cruz
Armando de la Cruz
13 years ago

Great. Thanks for sharing this post. So, that flatbed is a crude CNC router? +Todd Zimmermann

Todd Zimmermann
Todd Zimmermann
13 years ago

+Armando de la Cruz really don't know, it seems so familiar though… at least the sound. Going back to '87-89 so things are a little fuzzy 🙂

Vitaly Stockman
Vitaly Stockman
13 years ago

Sad song by retired equipment, crying and singing about how good old times were. Great work.

Richie Macangus
Richie Macangus
13 years ago

back to the future

Aaron Malakai
Aaron Malakai
13 years ago


william gordon
william gordon
13 years ago


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