I love it completely. ♥
If you liked his Bohemian Rhapsody Remix you'll love this. I'm mesmerized.
I love it completely. ♥
If you liked his Bohemian Rhapsody Remix you'll love this. I'm mesmerized.
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
Complete win!
wow good
Slightly more modern than my high school memories but… picturing comm tech/electronics in high school, b&w Macs, a C64 for backing music + blurry green, really blurry/nasty brown/orange, and a decimated Apple IIC hooked up to a crude CNC router. Flashbacks aren't always bad… Thanks 🙂
Great. Thanks for sharing this post. So, that flatbed is a crude CNC router? +Todd Zimmermann
+Armando de la Cruz really don't know, it seems so familiar though… at least the sound. Going back to '87-89 so things are a little fuzzy 🙂
Sad song by retired equipment, crying and singing about how good old times were. Great work.
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