This is an Atari Cake, Yes a Cake!

This is an Atari Cake, Yes a Cake!

by Amanda Blain
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What was your first computer gaming experience?

Atari was also the first computer thing I ever did… followed by a C64…

I seriously don't think I ever beat a single game on the systems… but it never made it any less fun… how times have changed.

#videogames #atari #commodore64

this is an atari cake yes a cake

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12 years ago

this is awesome!

alexis celis
alexis celis
12 years ago

ja genial

M. Sean Kaminsky
M. Sean Kaminsky
12 years ago

did it taste like pacman popsicle?

Jeff Leger
Jeff Leger
12 years ago

One set of grandparents had an Atari, one had an Intellivision, and we had a Colecovision….so we pretty much covered all grounds. Then we got a C64. I was pretty hooked on that Smurfs game for Coleco. Used to hate sliding those plastic cards into the keypad thing though!

Gareth Morgan
Gareth Morgan
12 years ago

Playing Manic Miner on the ZX Spectrum. Good times 🙂

Matthew Antwi
Matthew Antwi
12 years ago

NES cake?

Josh Kashif
Josh Kashif
12 years ago


Alvaro Amorim
Alvaro Amorim
12 years ago

Foi aí que tudo começou!!!

Sara Eleta Reid
Sara Eleta Reid
12 years ago

NES "Blaster Master" and "Mario 1"

robert mikinka
robert mikinka
12 years ago

That is one awesome looking cake. At the time Atari was awesome. I still have mine. Its hilarious to hook it up once in awhile and see the graphics.

Jan Wildeboer
Jan Wildeboer
12 years ago

Atari 400, a ZX81 with a hand soldered 16kB expansion. Later on a 800XL and finally a 1040STf before I switched to Linux on a 386 🙂

will silverbac
will silverbac
12 years ago

my first system i ever got.

Simona Gary
Simona Gary
12 years ago

Very cool…

Ernest Zak
Ernest Zak
12 years ago

One of my first computer games was trying to land an Apollo LEM on the moon which was a DOS program. For some reason, it was alot more fun back in those days.

Davy Joos
Davy Joos
12 years ago

I also had an amstrad once.. and a c=64 and an zx 🙂

Ken Nagrod
Ken Nagrod
12 years ago

Atari was my first experience too, but the first one I owned (as in parents owned) was Colecovision with the Atari adapter. C64 was my first computer.

Sean Thomas
Sean Thomas
12 years ago

I hope there are more like you +Amanda Blain that I just haven't met yet(so far my roommate is the only one who has had a commodore64, and she was hesitant to admit it).. I can't remember what kind of atari I had, but comodore 64 was what I was into. Newer than that, but maybe the best, was sega mastersystem, I was just thinking the other day how much quality how packed into so many of those games!

Nina Pelletier
Nina Pelletier
12 years ago

Coleco vision was my first gaming electronic gaming experience (if you don't count that 4 color light up Simon game) I loved mouse trap and the zipper game, I think it was called Dr. Pepper.

After that it was atari – I played pole position so often we had to keep buying new joysticks, the rubber on those things wore out quickly!

Jan Wildeboer
Jan Wildeboer
12 years ago

Balloonacy and Gyruss were my first games on the Atari 400. And a self-written fishing game.

Billy Spelchan
Billy Spelchan
12 years ago

Most the arcade games were designed to go on forever so you couldn't beat them. My cousin had a 2600 while I decided to get a commodore 64 thinking that I could make my own games. I still remember typing in games from magazines like compute and ahoy. Great fun.

Lord Parker
Lord Parker
12 years ago

Love it… Shame to eat it

Lambert Schlumpf
Lambert Schlumpf
12 years ago

Zaxxon on Commodore 64!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Ha! Pole position and Maniac Mansion! Awesome…

I remember Impossible Mission… Stay awhile.. stay foreveeeeeeeer!

Brian Dillree
Brian Dillree
12 years ago

pong….used to play for hours lol; then I got the atari system. Wish I had kept both of them now.

Jan Wildeboer
Jan Wildeboer
12 years ago

I still have a hand drawn map of Impossible Mission II. Took me a week to get it done 🙂

Cameron Silva
Cameron Silva
12 years ago

Galaga FTW!
those were the days. 3 Lives per game, no continues.
Eating that cake would have been one thing I finished with that system.

Anacron Allen
Anacron Allen
12 years ago


Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill
12 years ago

I can't remember which was first – the Apple IIc we used for games with the tiny green monitor (One on One – Dr. J vs. Larry Bird) or the Atari 2400 we had…

Charles Bodman
Charles Bodman
12 years ago

Good ol days of gaming

Erick Wright
Erick Wright
12 years ago

looks tasty

Eli Fulton
Eli Fulton
12 years ago

that was my first console… i remember River Raider.. that game was SUPER HARD…

Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill
12 years ago

Just for fun, I looked back for a screen shot…wow!

Porter Woodward
Porter Woodward
12 years ago

Get your invisible dot for Adventure to walk through walls! See the glowing golden text… Pitfall, and Pitfall II The Climb for Quick-claw.

akif riaz
akif riaz
12 years ago

my old memories…Atari

Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill
12 years ago

PITFALL – I spent hours playing that – I kicked ass!

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
12 years ago

My first gaming experience was Atari was well followed by Vextrex.

Jay Dee
Jay Dee
12 years ago

Apple iic green screen. Even Radio Shack had the Tandy Knock off ether way it was a word processor. Lots of reading No graphics
Oregon Trail was about the only game.

Naren Mangtani
Naren Mangtani
12 years ago

Ha! Mine was a Atari too! WAY BACK! Don't remember the model but didn't look like this. I have a post on my profile too where I mentioned it to one of my friend who used to come over a lot to play this.

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
12 years ago

Oregon Trail was the shiznit. So was Montezuma's Revenge and Sherwood Forest.

12 years ago

Jeez that's perfect. Until I read it was a cake I just thought it was an old ATARI. You've done a perfect job

Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill
12 years ago

Au contraire, +Jay Dee – see my link – that was basketball on an apple iic. If you dunked right, you could break the backboard glass…and watch is slowly fall to the ground. There was a little robot sweeper that used to come clean it up, if I recall!

chris hollins
chris hollins
12 years ago


Dj Epix
Dj Epix
12 years ago

is this a cake?

Gossip Gab
Gossip Gab
12 years ago

Now I miss my Atari…

Hammad Fauz
Hammad Fauz
12 years ago

That was my first console. :')

Yas Mean
Yas Mean
12 years ago

Ohhhh my wedding cake is chosen! Now all i need is the groom.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

+Scott Schneider Totally played montezuma revenge the other day in a hangout… i was forever alone in the moment .. as everyone thought i was crazy… Montezuma's Revenge: Featuring Panama Joe for the Apple II

Luis Martínez
Luis Martínez
12 years ago

I had another one by cartridges, but I don't remember its model

chris hollins
chris hollins
12 years ago

its a place to play alot of games when i was young

Jay Dee
Jay Dee
12 years ago

+Christopher Hill takes me back forgot about that one. Come a long way in 30 years. I still remember
10 print"whatever";
20 goto 10

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