I’ve never met an air conditioned room I did not like.

I’ve never met an air conditioned room I did not like.

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I’ve never met an air conditioned room I did not like.

ive never met an air conditioned room i did not like

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Cliff Wade
Cliff Wade
13 years ago

That's one thing about hotel A/C's, they certainly get freezing cold most of the time. Why our home A/C's can't always work like those things!

Chris Bement
Chris Bement
13 years ago

Well put.

Bobbi Jo Woods
Bobbi Jo Woods
13 years ago


Rennie Fisher
Rennie Fisher
13 years ago

Good Point! 😀

Kazuhiro Fukazawa
Kazuhiro Fukazawa
13 years ago


Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
13 years ago

No doubt, I would be forced to move out of FL if it wasn't for AC!

mohamed alluqman
mohamed alluqman
13 years ago


Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

As a native desert dweller, I can completely appreciate this statement. Vegas would be too hot to tolerate otherwise. We even air condition the outside.

Paul Terry Walhus
Paul Terry Walhus
13 years ago

With it getting to 107 degrees in Austin, TX I was happy to be driving across Texas in a car with a great air conditioner.

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