I Should Get To Bed... Said No Gamer Ever

I Should Get To Bed… Said No Gamer Ever

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on
…. This is all me right now… stuck in the land of BlackOps 2….

What are you playing Internet?


i should get to bed said no gamer ever

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Paul Murphy
Paul Murphy
11 years ago

I concur. Oh the night's I lost playing Counterstrike, Half Life, the list goes on…

Jean-Marc Watson
Jean-Marc Watson
11 years ago

I totally relate…

Abe Kwiatkowski
Abe Kwiatkowski
11 years ago

Earlier this week, Poker Night 2.  Then Borderlands 2.

Terry Cameron
Terry Cameron
11 years ago

I say that all the time, but then I stay up for another few hours.

Baris Bicer
Baris Bicer
11 years ago

Fallout 3, Runescape (don't judge), Borderlands, Skyrim, basically any open or semi open world game usually has me undergoing self inflicted sleep deprivation.

John Berger
John Berger
11 years ago

Just one more level… Just one more level… Just one more level…

Derrick Simmons
Derrick Simmons
11 years ago

I've said before. Then just keep playing.

William Furby
William Furby
11 years ago

Skyrim mostly, but also Medal of Honor: Warfighter.

Jim Sinclair
Jim Sinclair
11 years ago

I'm also on a Black Ops 2 kick. Search and destroy can't quit…. One more match

donald hakala
donald hakala
11 years ago

Black Ops 2 – Mob of the dead, Borderlands 2, Terraria, Bioshock Infinite…

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
11 years ago

Trying out Warframe on Steam.  Kind of liking the Metal Gear Solid meets Guyver … in space…  aesthetic of the game.  The play's pretty solid, too, and for a freemium game, it's not without it charms.  (Been playing mostly solo, but there are friend group and online matching modes, too).

Sammy Terry
Sammy Terry
11 years ago

Guild Wars 2 ATM

Aaron Bonthoux
Aaron Bonthoux
11 years ago

007 Blood Stone

Dennis H
Dennis H
11 years ago

Borderlands 2 .. farming farming farming 🙂 .. uhm yea on pc!!!! 🙂

Josh Bryson
Josh Bryson
11 years ago

I say this nightly, it's the follow through that makes this true.

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
11 years ago

Right now at the moment Happy wheels.

Brandon Kearns
Brandon Kearns
11 years ago

Diablo 2 happened to be the bane of my existence. It's always "Ok let me just clear this area out and then I'll call it a night". Then you get some new items and level up some new skills so, of course, you gotta test those out. Then you gotta offload your inventory. Then suddenly it's light out and the birds are chirping. And the grind goes on…

Nikolay Essani
Nikolay Essani
11 years ago

Oh, I've said it.

I just didn't mean it…

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
11 years ago

I'll be getting back to BL2 soon enough…  need to finish up my UVH mode story arc.  (Got to 61, about to go Bunker busting).

Alex Fish
Alex Fish
11 years ago

I wish that i had dragon ball games and play them all day

Dhruv Ganotra
Dhruv Ganotra
11 years ago

Yes amanda i said tooo

davish kiko
davish kiko
11 years ago

lol yeah!

Dhruv Ganotra
Dhruv Ganotra
11 years ago

Which game u like the most amanda ?
I liked bio hazard 4 i have completed that 10 times

Mark Lastiwka
Mark Lastiwka
11 years ago

Same here . I always look at the clock and am like, "maybe I should go to bed now. But after this level" Of course this continues for many more levels after that…

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

Left4dead 2 might still be my fav game…. that 1000 gamer score on it.. is a source of pride 😉

Randy Hunt
Randy Hunt
11 years ago

Been playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
It is pretty good!  


We play every night around 6pm MST    
My Gamer Tag on steam is: CPT. RANDALL

Owen Coward
Owen Coward
11 years ago

ha ha ha ha

Mark Lastiwka
Mark Lastiwka
11 years ago

 – God! The inventory is the worst! You just have to offload all that stuff before going to bed. More recently , Skyrim did me in for that. Finish a quest, than spend the next hour creating stuff, selling stuff, travelling to another town to sell more stuff bc they don't have enough cash in the previous town, get into a fight and start yet a new quest, etc etc…

Jacky Joly
Jacky Joly
11 years ago

bonne nuit ici c'est encore trot tot mais j'y pence ?

Randy Hunt
Randy Hunt
11 years ago

Thanks a lot  
I wasn't even going to play tonight. But since everyone is attending the Game Aholics meeting, then I'm gonna play a level or two.

Mark Lastiwka
Mark Lastiwka
11 years ago

 – Just a level or two, right? Don't play too much now. You have to go to bed soon…

donald hakala
donald hakala
11 years ago

Have you tried Bioshock Infinite yet

Chris Chase
Chris Chase
11 years ago

Pssh, I just got a sweet new gun in BL2, why would I quit?

Thiago pedro
Thiago pedro
11 years ago

ai sim em e vidaaaaaaaa show

santosh soni
santosh soni
11 years ago

yes thanks

labie akampa
labie akampa
11 years ago

hhhiiii go en slp

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
11 years ago

Dead Island FTW

Theo WolF
Theo WolF
11 years ago

Actually, I did just say that very thing. After I finish this bit of crafting. If I get up early enough, I have a shot at the rare spawns!

Jerad Benge
Jerad Benge
11 years ago

Dead Island Riptide, Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, Guild Wars 2, and still… Skyrim. So many amazing mods on the Nexus just keeps me coming back to it. I seriously need to finish some games though. Sleep is for during slow release cycles.

Noe Rodriguez
Noe Rodriguez
11 years ago

Battlefield 3 I piss off my girl cause I completely ignore her when I'm playing

mick mochan
mick mochan
11 years ago

Warthunder ,f2p game and really don't need to buy stuff but choose to ,to support this brilliant game ,but yes ,lost many an hour to this cause

Tae Jung
Tae Jung
11 years ago

X-com enemy unknown, Path of Exile, Candy Crush Saga, and recently went back to Skyrim after playing it 1033 hours.

Dhruv Ganotra
Dhruv Ganotra
11 years ago

Left for dead i have completed that tooo
What about gears of war , halo , and many
Which platform is ur favourite one
Ps3 x box or computer games

Sebastiaan Smit
Sebastiaan Smit
11 years ago

I agree with Noe Rodriguez.

Matt Moran
Matt Moran
11 years ago

Defiance. Up till 2AM last night, for a 6AM start at work. And when I get home, I'mma play some more Defiance, cos it's just that good.

Dhruv Ganotra
Dhruv Ganotra
11 years ago

I started from 2 bit game then 8 bit mario n contra was my first game which played in my life 18 years ago
Then 16 bit sega then 32 bit ps1 then it goes increasing
I love that friend

Werner Klausen
Werner Klausen
11 years ago

Mass Effect 2 – with imported character from ME. First time I play the games, and I will play all 3 back to back.  And when my mate is over Gears of War co-op (just finished 1, starting on 2 with 3 ready to go).

Glenn Donaldson
Glenn Donaldson
11 years ago

Still playing Skyrim…I now have a whopping 427 hours on one game! How does that happen? Wow, it's getting late…snickering.

jackson dalia
jackson dalia
11 years ago

i want to love you

Teh Beej
Teh Beej
11 years ago

This is going to be me when i get injustice

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