Zombies Everywhere

Zombies Everywhere

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

[¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬

zombies everywhere

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Daniel Koeker
Daniel Koeker
12 years ago

Well now it certainly does.

Mike Campos
Mike Campos
12 years ago

Onoz!!!  He's coming for you!

Rishikanta Pukhrambam
Rishikanta Pukhrambam
12 years ago

It does.  🙂
When did I become a zombie!!!

raul mariñez
raul mariñez
12 years ago

The end is here… D:

Yas Mean
Yas Mean
12 years ago

zombies in muh font! 

David A. Martinez
David A. Martinez
12 years ago

We are all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

Kimberly Unger
Kimberly Unger
12 years ago


Anthony Fletcher
Anthony Fletcher
12 years ago

yes, and I like it

Tom Melton
Tom Melton
12 years ago


Carlos Arauz
Carlos Arauz
12 years ago

mdr !

Billy Goley
Billy Goley
12 years ago

I'll never look at "i"s the same again. 

Josh Kowalski
Josh Kowalski
12 years ago

Two words- bath salts.

Fabio Basile
Fabio Basile
12 years ago

Cross the t's and dot the…. Brains!!!!!!

Grant Lanning
Grant Lanning
12 years ago

Hmmm.. . Very interesting! Is this why Apple puts a "i" in front of their products. It's turns them into zombies!

Gareth Robins
Gareth Robins
12 years ago

oh god, I can't unsee that.  How am I going to write emails today

michael mills
michael mills
12 years ago

i see a total of four zombies in this picture…my world will forever be changed thanks +Amanda Blain 

Thomas Mims
Thomas Mims
12 years ago


Sadu Seefoo
Sadu Seefoo
12 years ago


Alexia Silva
Alexia Silva
12 years ago


Daniel Budney
Daniel Budney
12 years ago

"Cannot be unseen"

Ernesto Pizarro
Ernesto Pizarro
12 years ago

oh Lord! now i can't not make it look like a zombie…i;ll never use that font again!

Ambra Vanderpool
Ambra Vanderpool
12 years ago
Thomas King
Thomas King
12 years ago

Very nice. What font is that?

Morgan ABBOU
Morgan ABBOU
12 years ago

Wow +Amanda Blain , Zombies are in the room! I wouldn't be surprised to see a zombie hangout tonight…

Gord McLeod
Gord McLeod
12 years ago

Font of the Living Dead.

Ernesto Pizarro
Ernesto Pizarro
12 years ago

 its console type, like Lucida Console font or the one found in notepad

Jack Hurley
Jack Hurley
12 years ago

[¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬     How come I just see 6 people ice skating with one leg in air holding hands in pairs.. I liked Walking Dead 🙁 am I not worthy.

Mike Campos
Mike Campos
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain  ?__ – dead zed.

Troy Lauffer
Troy Lauffer
12 years ago

Well, that's gonna be hard to unsee from now on!

Mark Soon
Mark Soon
12 years ago

Don't know what you're referring to Amanda, but +1 anyways!

said nabeel
said nabeel
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain , this zombie woke me up….

Trevor Sharp
Trevor Sharp
12 years ago

Haha, clever +Amanda Blain!

jarno sigit
jarno sigit
12 years ago

wow….. Sya sangat suka sekali.

J.S. Brooks
J.S. Brooks
12 years ago

It's moving a little fast for zombies … but yes it does!

kendra mccracken
kendra mccracken
12 years ago

it does

DJ Thistle
DJ Thistle
12 years ago

This absolutely looks like a Zombie! Haha. Great find. 🙂

Branden Hooper
Branden Hooper
12 years ago

When did I become a zombie? Haha That's punny

kendra mccracken
kendra mccracken
12 years ago

lol hay u should friend me

hocine salah
hocine salah
12 years ago

bonjour sa va

Bruce Williams
Bruce Williams
12 years ago

They probably eat emoticons.

Crystal Clawson
Crystal Clawson
12 years ago

One of my favorites

jarno sigit
jarno sigit
12 years ago

your sepick indonesia

Keith J Davies
Keith J Davies
12 years ago

sigh it does now.

Patrick Hoppus
Patrick Hoppus
12 years ago


ruben sharma
ruben sharma
12 years ago

lol but they might show up on Dec 21st ? humans with mask ? lol

Joshua Burns
Joshua Burns
12 years ago

lol it took me a few seconds but yeah it does look like a zombie

Keith J Davies
Keith J Davies
12 years ago

and I use Lucida Console as my nonproportional font, so I'll be seeing this for a while

aris munandar
aris munandar
12 years ago

ngomog mslh fact is there zombie
zombie of world?? p? pppppppp??

Brian Serviss
Brian Serviss
12 years ago

can't spell "brains" without it

Liam Cochran
Liam Cochran
12 years ago


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