You thought this about Titanic- the movie too

You thought this about Titanic- the movie too

by Amanda Blain
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Admit it.. 🙂

you thought this about titanic the movie too

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emrah oguz
emrah oguz
12 years ago

Oh ye perfec+

Angelica Ammy
Angelica Ammy
12 years ago


Melissa Bryan
Melissa Bryan
12 years ago

There's still the possibility they would have been too heavy and made the wood sink…. What bothered me more was that with that entire ship sinking, that was the only piece of wood?

Tega Otojare
Tega Otojare
12 years ago


Don Goldsmith
Don Goldsmith
12 years ago

You KNOW that EVERYONE did…but that would have killed the storyline!

Kenny Laidlaw
Kenny Laidlaw
12 years ago

The problem was Jack couldn't get on without spinning it and both ending up back in the drink. Not that they couldn't both fit on to it.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

+Melissa Bryan yup… NOTHING ELSE NEAR BY FLOATING AT ALL … silly Titanic storyline… 🙂

Jimi Forge
Jimi Forge
12 years ago

I never even thought about this!

Karin Nelson
Karin Nelson
12 years ago

I still consider myself lucky that I never saw the movie. 🙂

Thalita dias de sales
Thalita dias de sales
12 years ago


Alireza Mohseni
Alireza Mohseni
12 years ago

I think the problem was rose's selfishness 😀

Moronkeji Oluwatoyin
Moronkeji Oluwatoyin
12 years ago

I hope to watch it

Thalita dias de sales
Thalita dias de sales
12 years ago

Hello I am Brazilian and I found this super fun photo

Caleb Lawrence
Caleb Lawrence
12 years ago

Wow… that is a fail. He could have fit on but the problem was is that it starting sinking. It was not a question of room but weight…

Jonathon Barton
Jonathon Barton
12 years ago

Yes, but…Leonardo…
I didn't care.

Jimi Forge
Jimi Forge
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain here's another one

Alireza Mohseni
Alireza Mohseni
12 years ago

But let's be honest, which one of us was thinking about this during seeing the movie first time?

Alireza Mohseni
Alireza Mohseni
12 years ago

+Jimi Forge good one 😉

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Please see +Melissa Bryan 3rd comment in +Caleb Lawrence …. 🙂

Rajiv Khabale
Rajiv Khabale
12 years ago

in India & was gr8 to see it

Elizabeth Ward
Elizabeth Ward
12 years ago

hhahaha too bad the movies wicked depressing and this post is hilarious

Don Goldsmith
Don Goldsmith
12 years ago

What was the point of the 3D version??? Jack STILL dies!
( sorry for the spoiler!)

Ron Whitmire
Ron Whitmire
12 years ago

I wonder if that's what would happen if there was ever a real-life Titanic? 😉

Jimi Forge
Jimi Forge
12 years ago

+Ron Whitmire *FacePalm!

N.J. Derosier
N.J. Derosier
12 years ago

Yea it was depressing, but the love was completely REAL.

Liz Stevens
Liz Stevens
12 years ago

Wish I could plus ten this! lol Yah, soooooo sad that Rose's huge dress took precedence over Leo's life. <sigh> Killer fashion for sure. Oh and not to mention she had that huge chunk of "ice" (aka "Heart of the Ocean" diamond) in her pocket!!! No wonder the board started sinking…greedy bee-yatch! ;'P

Demeatrus Robinson
Demeatrus Robinson
12 years ago

Come on people! It is a movie for crying out loud. lets factor in the age of the person telling the story. Don't you think for one minute he would have saved his self if there was enough room on the ark.

Christopher Lira
Christopher Lira
12 years ago

Hai +Amanda Blain I hav wood built for 2. marry me yes?

Elisa Tammela
Elisa Tammela
12 years ago

+Christopher Lira not enough hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

N.J. Derosier
N.J. Derosier
12 years ago

Naw, naw if he would of tried to get on both would of died. When she was giving him enough space to get on, she would fallen into the water, and knocked him out with wood he was trying to use to get up on. So he did the noble sacrifice. Let her live, by him dying. That's what the whole movie is about. 🙂

Marvin Ostrega
Marvin Ostrega
12 years ago

they were not evenly balanced.

12 years ago


Liz Stevens
Liz Stevens
12 years ago

No, she killed him to keep him from squealing about her stealing that diamond! Actually, that's why she sunk the ship…didn't you know?

Taylor Hickey
Taylor Hickey
12 years ago

well they didnt have cards with them.. plus he just wanted her to be okay

Demeatrus Robinson
Demeatrus Robinson
12 years ago

I like your creativity are you planing on making a movie or perhaps write a book about this myth

Genaro M Bustinza C
Genaro M Bustinza C
12 years ago

posturas de camasutra para puritanos

N.J. Derosier
N.J. Derosier
12 years ago

Who me lol?

Max Lanz
Max Lanz
12 years ago

Buoyancy is an issue too. The added weight could have sunk the door.

Megan luedloff
Megan luedloff
12 years ago

That's what I always think!!!!!!!

Robert Evans
Robert Evans
12 years ago

The size of the door has little to do with weight, buoyancy, and the water itself. He could have gotten up there, but then they would have been in the water if the door stayed afloat at all.

Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
12 years ago

its ok he end up in the ocean in the titanic just to be washed ashore in the movie inception

Tung Nguyen
Tung Nguyen
12 years ago

what's this?

Matt Sirrine
Matt Sirrine
12 years ago

I would think that the weight of both of them would make whatever it was she was floating on, sink. Thats what I thought at least.

Jesse Soria
Jesse Soria
12 years ago

she was self fish and he was to much of a push over that he ended up drowning

Ciara Horan
Ciara Horan
12 years ago

No, they might've been able to fit but then it could sink or it'd be so heavy water could still go on the board and they'd both freeze.

Alex F. Lazo Vásquez
Alex F. Lazo Vásquez
12 years ago

she was selfish indeed. and fat actually. Thats why she could withstand the cold more than Leo. Like whales.

moshe dimawala-adormeo
moshe dimawala-adormeo
12 years ago

Try doing in the open ocean. 😀

Jesse Soria
Jesse Soria
12 years ago

nawwwww they were able to fit

Madison Babcock
Madison Babcock
12 years ago


cindy nguyen
cindy nguyen
12 years ago


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