For those who forgot how totally ugly the internet use to be.. please take a look at these official movie websites left online for some ridiculous reason… You seriously need to take a few seconds to check these out… Cringe
Battlefield Earth –
I forgive you for making me troubleshoot IE CSS… I really do.
#webdesign #90s #fail
These are excellent! Great inspiration for your own design work.
Wild west with the 'click through' to the main site.. is a personal fav… but that green star background on spacejam! WOO FRAMES I LOVE FRAMES! O_o
Oh god, why?! My eyes!
The web was in it's infancy and this was actually state of the art coding – LOL
What has been seen, cannot be unseen.
How small the resolution used to be!
The Lost World is already gone.
Oh why have you thrust these evil, vile, unspeakable travesties upon us? I was just beginning to be able to sleep at night again.
For more nightmares pull up the (don't do it)
Old gaudy websites is my hobby. I love to look at them…. and listen to the melodic midi music…..
PS – Let's bring back Microsoft Frontpage DAMMIT!
If I remember right from my HTML class from way back when…the idea was to make the page as simple as possible so it could load on anything. Remember back then we had the 486 processor floating around still. It does make you appreciate web pages so much more now tho.
The resolution! I get six and two halves baseball diamonds on the Major League site full screened!
+Amanda Blain I miss the Hamster Dance web page that would eventually crash your browser. I was fortunate enough to get involved in the pre-Internet BBS systems in 1984 via 125 baud modem, and got to see how thing grew up. It was pretty ugly for a long time.
Man, I was making way better sites than those back then.
I fixed some of the links.. sorry about that.. all better.. 🙂
Using an ingenious invention called "Quicktime", we have managed to present for you a wonderful assortment of moving picture clips! Select below.
I wonder if there are any other studios that have old movie sites up. And you gotta admit – games for kids on Space Jam was pretty innovative.
Website best viewed with
Internet Explorer or Netscapeeyes gouged out!LOL!!! I agree with +Sherman Smith I too miss the Hamster Dance! I did my first web page with Frontpage and Publisher… it looked like a comic book.
+Jamey Harvey well, WWW was about #steampunk.
Too funny, this is like the internet being spotlighted in "awkward family photos"
Ah! My eyes!
I want the dancing bears back….NOT! Sooooo much. But we need an internet Retro day….make ours sites look like this for one day
I hereby submit the Battlefield Earth movie site as evidence as to why Flash needs to go.
Warner Bros never fails to disappoint
haha, this is great. I remember when websites loved to use the <marquee> tag. Thanks +Amanda Blain
Oh I would love to find some with blinking text and scrolling marques..
I remember how ugly the WWW used to be, thanks to +Tom Anderson. MySpace wasn't that long ago. 🙂
you would be surprised how many people still love blinky text lol
+Karen Thomas, you'd be surprised at just how cynical about people and their taste (or lack thereof) I am. I do this shit for a living, though I work for different clients than +Amanda Blain. 🙂
Oh come on, who here doesn't miss web pages designed and built in MS Word?
+Dean Reimer you mean they don't still do that? /delete word
Ugly? You mean awesome! Bring back scrolling marquees and under construction graphics :p
Funny story. I just installed FrontPage 2003 last night. Thanks to Microsoft, the world was much different back then.
I did it for a living as well internally at a financial institution. It was ridiculous how cartoonish some business partners wanted to make their websites that would be customer facing. If I had a nickel for every time I said, 'I really don't think your financial customers want to see websites with blinky text and scrolly banners'
warm up the time machine 🙂
90's designs are coming back, HTML 5 style. Just kidding. But it is fun to still see loads of sites that were designed in the 90's from the likes of GeoCities (Now Yahoo) that are still active. Especially if your a Sci-Fi fan.
My first ever page was on a BBS then real HTML came out to the masses and I designed 1 long page with everything on it, no menu's just a single page and I was proud of it. Looked great on Internet Explorer 1.
Back to present day though, people new to design still make pages like 90's sites. Thank god that Microsoft, and I hate to say it, got rid of Frontpage. Actually, I don't hate to say it. It was crap.
<wax type=nostalgic>I used to teach a basic HTML course in the 90s so I feel at least somewhat responsible for upping the ugly level of the interwebs</wax>
forgot your quotes lol. xD
LOL +Tristan Johnson I guess we have to find a DeLorean and a flux capacitor.
Ha Ha ! Great find…
To be fair, the Battlefield Earth site is superior to the movie or book that spawned it.
I'm having comment and posting problems
+Amanda Blain do you know where I can get a player to watch the Wild Wild West video interviews? Something called "Real Audio Player is required. kidding. At least there weren't any Liquid Audio files.
+Arleen Boyd my web pages STILL look like comic books. That's why I'm an infosec wonk. 😉
God I love these old websites but I promise I can find worse ones with the Way Back Machine!
i like how some of those pages have areas that are still "in development"