Tribbles n Bits For The Star Trek Fans

Tribbles n Bits For The Star Trek Fans

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

So much WIN in this picture…  🙂 Tribbles was one of my favorite episodes when i was growing up.. 🙂


tribbles n bits for the star trek fans

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Cesar Ramirez
Cesar Ramirez
12 years ago

Too awesome!! >_<

Andre Martinez
Andre Martinez
12 years ago

Stays furry longer in milk than any other leading brand!

Elizabeth Gordon
Elizabeth Gordon
12 years ago


Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

Amazing that you can't find this stuff on the shelves -I'd buy me some!

Cesar Ramirez
Cesar Ramirez
12 years ago

And muting…. NOW

Keyvan Shafiee
Keyvan Shafiee
12 years ago

Hi Amanda,….

Shawna Bergen
Shawna Bergen
12 years ago

The dogs they are-Just kidding don't hurt me!

Ryan Rodgers
Ryan Rodgers
12 years ago

Go girl, great post.

Danial Hallock
Danial Hallock
12 years ago

Hi ! 😀

David Campbell
David Campbell
12 years ago

do they squeak when you chew them?  I think my kids would find it a bit alarming. 😉

David Mason
David Mason
12 years ago

LMAO so awesome!

Aaron Bonthoux
Aaron Bonthoux
12 years ago

i would buy that in a second!

George Anton
George Anton
12 years ago


Phil Nolan
Phil Nolan
12 years ago

I would totally eat that if they didn't multiply in my stomach until I burst.

Sharon Emrick
Sharon Emrick
12 years ago

I would so eat Tribbles & Bits..

Kevin Dinneen
Kevin Dinneen
12 years ago

I would love this

Doug Reynolds
Doug Reynolds
12 years ago

Never heard of it 

Laurence Hubbard
Laurence Hubbard
12 years ago

lol @ Captain Pike action figure!
One flash for "yes", two flashes for "no" … such action.

Jay Brown
Jay Brown
12 years ago


Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

Dear lord baby Jesus O_O Shut up and take my money

Brendon Shannon
Brendon Shannon
12 years ago

tasty yet illogical.

John Keitz
John Keitz
12 years ago

Oh great, now I'm hungry.

Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong
12 years ago

Any episode with Harcourt Fenton Mudd was a goodie. The Cap't. Pike action figure offer is a scream.  "Blink twice for yes!"

Kacee Goforth
Kacee Goforth
12 years ago

Blink twice for what

David Aguilera
David Aguilera
12 years ago

too hairy for my taste…

jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago

Dribbles 'n' bites

Chris Evans
Chris Evans
12 years ago

It looks like a box of Lucky Charms with little fur balls. Think I'll have some Lucky Charms for breakfast tomorrow.

Nohl Lyons
Nohl Lyons
12 years ago

Ewe…there's a hair in your cereal

Michael Bermant MD
Michael Bermant MD
12 years ago

What sounds appetizing about a fur ball?

jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago

+Michael Bermant MD Meow

Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
12 years ago


jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago


ede john
ede john
12 years ago

i will buy some for myself because am not sure if iam an adult or kid! Lol!

ede john
ede john
12 years ago

jackie ad me,0 0

jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago

 don't worry I'm not really jackie chan… My real name is Kylan.

Thomas Townsend
Thomas Townsend
12 years ago


Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
Ellen Sette - De Jonghe
12 years ago

I like the way they made 'Kellogg's ' —>' Klingon's ' +
raised on whole-grain quadrotriticale, and ofcourse the free figurine ! 😛
and at the side of the box: one box is all you will ever need : yes, just add some water and the box will fill itself again ! LOL

Thomas Townsend
Thomas Townsend
12 years ago

yeah, FUNNY!

Dany Brice Guemaleu
Dany Brice Guemaleu
12 years ago


jhonny silva
jhonny silva
12 years ago

amanda vc é dez mais nois estamos no brasil bjss
posta por favor em portugues

Brock Tanken
Brock Tanken
12 years ago

Well, thats the trouble with tribbles!

Jens Dibbern
Jens Dibbern
12 years ago

There's quite a funny quote in the german synchro of that episode: "Nur ungern nimmt der Klingonenmann statt barer Münze Tribbles an" (roughly translates to "Klingons REALLY prefer cash instead of tribbles")
Scotty says that after beaming the tribbles to the Klingon's engine room.

Nakia Jackson
Nakia Jackson
12 years ago

Ha! love it! definitely one of my favorite episodes too!

Mark Wolfskehl
Mark Wolfskehl
12 years ago

Is that a safe cereal to eat? I mean what happens when they start multiplying in your stomach?

jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago

 You explode.

Suresh Thakur
Suresh Thakur
12 years ago


jackie chan
jackie chan
12 years ago

 Are you talking to me???

stiward florentino
stiward florentino
12 years ago


Linda Bernstein
Linda Bernstein
12 years ago

You had me at tribbles. Trouble there!

James Pitcher
James Pitcher
12 years ago

Something about Fuzzy that just sounds Yummy! ;~)

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