
Ratchet and Clank 2016 Video Game ReviewRatchet and Clank 2016 Video Game Review

Ratchet and Clank 2016 Video Game Review

Lately we have seen a fair share of remakes in the video game world. From Final Fantasy 7 to Uncharted,…

8 years ago

How To Create an Epic Story

This is pretty funny for the lord of the rings, harry potter, star wars fan.... :) But there is a…

11 years ago

*When You Don't Feel Well.. Google Can Be Your Worst Enemy*

This is so funny! Google knows immediately when you are sick... Do you not come home and Google things when…

11 years ago

*I Love This Photo Of The Big Bang*

:) Do you watch this show? It's become quite popular.. which I find to be kinda funny. When did geek…

11 years ago

*How To Master The Video Games*

This is just funny.. :) Hottest tips on Pac-Man Included.... I wonder which other titles were included in the 30…

11 years ago

Walking Dead Zombie Kills From Seasons 1

It's Sunday and that means MORE ZOMBIES! :) This chart is pretty funny... 50.6% of the zombies killed in season…

12 years ago

The History Of Caturday

Why are all these cats in my stream every Saturday? Because it's Caturday Folks! But just what IS the furry…

12 years ago

What is Caturday?

A day to celebrate the greatness that is Felis Domesticus, or the common house-cat. Some people here on G+ post…

12 years ago