Regret Nothing... You Wanted It Once

Regret Nothing… You Wanted It Once

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I firmly believe this and hold people accountable for their actions. We all make decisions based on our unique life experiences. Sometimes we make mistakes and change our minds. That's life. Understand that you chose something, because of who you were at that specific moment of time. When you admit your mistakes. .. you can then grow as a person.


regret nothing you wanted it once

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stephanie wanamaker
stephanie wanamaker
12 years ago


Jay Rombach
Jay Rombach
12 years ago

Well said +Amanda Blain !

Kirk Jordan
Kirk Jordan
12 years ago

But can't I regret that at one time I was an idiot?

Jeremy Dahl
Jeremy Dahl
12 years ago

regret can often be self-pity in reality

Baby Angel
Baby Angel
12 years ago

that's so true..

Logan Cate
Logan Cate
12 years ago

This is how I live. It's worked great so far.

nancy drew
nancy drew
12 years ago

how true………

Lucian Lancaster
Lucian Lancaster
12 years ago

yeah thats exaclty why I don't want so much anymore…. wanting screwed me over completely

Fitsum Gebremedhin
Fitsum Gebremedhin
12 years ago


Roger Keulen
Roger Keulen
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain # tags don't work when pasting text. So if you type in a editor than you have to redo your hash tags.

Joydeep Chakraborty
Joydeep Chakraborty
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain That's very true.Couple of weeks ago I was so pissed up with my job that I wanted to take some leave, but on second thought I continued so that I can take leave when needed, indeed. Now see what happened, I had an accident and for the last 8 days I am home.Doctor advised me to take rest for another week. See what I wanted and how I get it..Ha Ha 🙂

Magdalena Georgieva
Magdalena Georgieva
12 years ago

DA qrno e uchim se ot jivota i ot greshkite si kogato si gi priznaem vsicko stava po lesno 

Jason Millanaise
Jason Millanaise
12 years ago


Roger Keulen
Roger Keulen
12 years ago

Sorry, but even google translate doesn't get it.

Rodrigo Cayoja
Rodrigo Cayoja
12 years ago

I think the  same!!!

Louie S.
Louie S.
12 years ago

Love it. I live my life this way, no regrets only lessons learned.

Paul Hartzer
Paul Hartzer
12 years ago

I think regret is usually precisely because we know we did something we wanted to do and it was something we feel now we should have known not to do. If I punch someone in the stomach in a fit of rage, should I NOT regret that error?

Steve Moss
Steve Moss
12 years ago

Not sure I agree entirely! Certain medical conditions can make one more indecisive and impulsive! It may be the case that decisions are made based on feelings that can swap and change back and forth frequently and regardless of foresight!

Additionally, our physiological systems have had a much longer time to evolve, than our cognitive ability and our capacity to think abstractly! So it makes more sense that we might react to a situation based on a chemical impulse, rather than considering it logically!

Adam Santo
Adam Santo
12 years ago

Well said. Do I have something to add? No, because I'll end up wanting to say something different. Plus, my phone might auto correct my typing and that could turn out bad.

Carlos Aguilar
Carlos Aguilar
12 years ago

i love it!!!

Josh Burkhead
Josh Burkhead
12 years ago

One word: Cancer.

José Luis Pizarro Feo
José Luis Pizarro Feo
12 years ago

So true…

Tammberly X
Tammberly X
12 years ago

SOOOO……..TRUE !! ~ t ; )

Artur Trzebunia
Artur Trzebunia
12 years ago

If the "-1" existed, it would be appropriate for this post. Should people who cheat, lie, commit crimes, take advantage of others to get ahead, etc. never regret their actions b/c that's who they were at that time and that's what they wanted to do?

salas bachiri
salas bachiri
12 years ago

yes offcorse

Josh Burkhead
Josh Burkhead
12 years ago

 Amen! "AIDS. I can't regret having it because it was exactly what I wanted." 

Hamza Zahid
Hamza Zahid
12 years ago

Sometimes we are compelled to do something that we dont want to do.. so after that, we regret our weakness, that we were actually convinced to do that.

Binh Nguyen
Binh Nguyen
12 years ago

I agree! You make your decision to the best of your ability with the info you have at hand…no regrets!!!

Krzysiek Derkowski
Krzysiek Derkowski
12 years ago

Can't agree, you should feel regret as long as it forces some feedback of self realization it should help you improve and grow as a person. I don't think you should dwell on regret, and spend your life in self loathing regretting past decisions but to say never regret anything is just an empty slogan… 

RuamJit Jr
RuamJit Jr
12 years ago

make you point and dont look back

Nathanial Lattimer
Nathanial Lattimer
12 years ago

Thank you… after reading this.. I just got over something i've been regretting for 2+ years…

Nicholas Kelly
Nicholas Kelly
12 years ago

I really doubt anyone "really wanted" to commit manslaughter running over someones loved one. I do doubt they wanted to commit the act of manslaughter, however. I then would say that they regret the act of speeding/driving drunk, etc.  Not to be a downer but I believe regret prevents/aims to stop us from preventing the same mistakes twice?

Artur Trzebunia
Artur Trzebunia
12 years ago

I agree!  You shouldn't dwell on your mistakes. Acknowledge them, admit them to those whom your mistakes have hurt, and move on.  That's the process of regretting.

Sanelise Gogela
Sanelise Gogela
12 years ago

that is wisdom thank you,i give you my blessings

Gus Bustillos
Gus Bustillos
12 years ago

This is my take, what's done is done! Let's move on and strive yo be a better doer.

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson
12 years ago

The problem is sometimes we make decisions with out all the facts.

Chris Jones
Chris Jones
12 years ago

I like this idea somewhat, but in reality, there are times where people do things and that is extremely far away from what they wanted. 

tony escobar
tony escobar
12 years ago

I regret not eating that slice of key lime pie with raspberry sauce. Some thief ate it!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Sometimes internet.

Tawfiq Elahe
Tawfiq Elahe
12 years ago

I dont believe this if i need any thing i find it or i find  a alternative if not find any thing that means u r ended,so embrace it.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

And no people do whatever when they wanted. Bad, crimes, and cheating. Their brain said do this now. Regretting does nothing. Admitting fault and moving on does. Why are some of you bringing up illness as a result of how this is "not true". You don't choose illnesses people… ugh.

Chris Jones
Chris Jones
12 years ago

People may have done what they wanted, but it wasn't exactly what they wanted to do at the time. At face value it may have been just that. However, no one should dwell on their regrets to the point to where they forget to live. That would be bad.

Rajendra Sakore
Rajendra Sakore
12 years ago

Great Thought !

Sejal Shah
Sejal Shah
12 years ago

don't agree with it

Alok Mohan
Alok Mohan
12 years ago

This is true…people want not to have someone in their life but after some moment..they regret…but actually regretting does nothing…the time which has passed has passed..we can never recall time…that's true…I liked this one…

Rajendra Sakore
Rajendra Sakore
12 years ago

We may have different opinions.but we may come across this situation….

Laurie Poulsen
Laurie Poulsen
12 years ago

Regret is a good thing if it prevents me from making the same mistake. Constantly dwelling on a mistake is what holds a person back. Living in the past is like being dead. I tend to be cryptic. I know what I mean, but putting it in to words is another thing.

Chris Jones
Chris Jones
12 years ago

  I couldn't say it any better myself. I have often times had great, deep thoughts. My problem comes when I try to put them into words. Like there is a barrier between my brain and the words of man.

Ida Thomasdotter
Ida Thomasdotter
12 years ago

I do think it's a little more complicated than this. I, for one, have done a lot things in the past that I really didn't want to do, even at the time. But having said that, I actually agree with you, the idea of regret or dwelling on the past is as futile as it's human. But I also believe that regret, when it flares up, is a good thing: tells you that you've grown and developed since the time you now regret!

Paul Hartzer
Paul Hartzer
12 years ago

 Yep, exactly. Maybe people in this item have differing definitions of "regret"? For me, if I feel bad about something I've done five minutes after I've done it, and use that "feeling bad" as a motivation to make amends, that's regret. So, yes, is thinking about that thing I did twenty years ago, that I can't do anything about, that I can't fix, that doesn't affect me in the here-and-now, and THAT sort of regret is just plain pointless. But the first kind? I don't even see how someone could feel motivated to make amends if they don't feel some regret.

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