Night Before Going Away On A Trip

Night Before Going Away On A Trip

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I've shared this before but its about all I have time for currently. Too busy charging everything!

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Travis Lawall
Travis Lawall
12 years ago

And carry a power strip in case the hotel, motel or inn has only one outlet  with a lamp already plugged into it.

el Ansari
el Ansari
12 years ago


John Ennis
John Ennis
12 years ago

I am doing this in anticipation of  

Andrew Delorme
Andrew Delorme
12 years ago

I wouldn't know that feeling.

Brian Peters
Brian Peters
12 years ago

Don't forget the adaptor for the outlets as well.

John Mink
John Mink
12 years ago

 I always do!

+Amanda Blain spare batteries are your friend  too;)

oh, and enjoy your trip :p

Sean Martin
Sean Martin
12 years ago

This is why I find all this stuff about mobiles so short sighted. If you aint got access to electricity, you're essentially fucked.

Citizen Dave
Citizen Dave
12 years ago

I wish I had that problem. I'm so overdue for a lengthy road-trip?? ????? 

ibu singh
ibu singh
12 years ago

u need 2 pay electric bill….

Randy Hunt
Randy Hunt
12 years ago

And bring the chargers with you!  Oh, and the manuals, and the discs if its an older laptop.  Just pretend your a Boyscout and be prepared.

Roger Glover
Roger Glover
12 years ago

Props to , creator of this meme and artwork. Who has been absent from her excellent blog "Hyperbole and a Half" for FAR, FAR too long.

John Mink
John Mink
12 years ago

 I dunno…my phone lasts way longer than my desktop without an outlet 😉

Daniel Fontaine
Daniel Fontaine
12 years ago

Safe Travels!

Derek Wright
Derek Wright
12 years ago

Have fun +Amanda Blain 

Kevin Lechner
Kevin Lechner
12 years ago


Gary Rudd
Gary Rudd
12 years ago

I resemble that remark!

Kevin Lechner
Kevin Lechner
12 years ago

I love how the laptop is smaller than the kindel

Luis Valencia
Luis Valencia
12 years ago

Yep, that is about right.  

Brian Peters
Brian Peters
12 years ago

Don't forget to prepay all credit cards, utilities, rent or house payments and on and on………
Other than that.
Bonne Voyage

Allie Rambles
Allie Rambles
12 years ago

So true! Lol!

Christopher West
Christopher West
12 years ago

and dont forget to pack them lol

Ebonee Mitchell
Ebonee Mitchell
12 years ago

So true so true lol

Kevin Lechner
Kevin Lechner
12 years ago

?????? ???
?????? ???
12 years ago

just relax and listen silence

Andrew Konietzky
Andrew Konietzky
12 years ago

OR just bring some USB cables. 😉

Dustin Schmidt
Dustin Schmidt
12 years ago

It's so true. I feel like I'm displaying my collection whenever I go away. Almost like a museum.

Enjoy your trip!

Dave Sparks
Dave Sparks
12 years ago

I hear ya. Been charging up my GoPros for the races this weekend.

Greg Hickman
Greg Hickman
12 years ago

It's funny because it's true!

Glenn Caldwell
Glenn Caldwell
12 years ago

VERY true. I've got a huge road trip starting saturday and I've already setup my area to put everything on Friday night to do just this 🙂

ronny juliarto Usman
ronny juliarto Usman
12 years ago

Now look like life was become electrical life ….

Brian Peters
Brian Peters
12 years ago

 Must be getting late. Bonne nuit mon cheri.

Vaibhav Yadav
Vaibhav Yadav
12 years ago

Hey Amanda, welcome to India..: -)

Bobby Corrigan
Bobby Corrigan
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain you're so cool!

Ali Hashemi
Ali Hashemi
12 years ago

Funny !!!

Elvi Indriany
Elvi Indriany
12 years ago

Lol ! that's right..!

Brian Peters
Brian Peters
12 years ago

Remember, no poutine in India.

Aaron Coakley
Aaron Coakley
12 years ago

don't leave home without this (and cables)

Devin Agustin
Devin Agustin
12 years ago

Yep… that'll be me in a couple of days!

selena gomez
selena gomez
12 years ago

Do u have Twitter ?
Please follow me on Twitter >> @AtikaRahma77

. Thanks before 🙂

Jean Tam
Jean Tam
12 years ago

Buy a brick too. They're tiny and things like a cellphone can get three full charges off of it.

Florence Gamiao
Florence Gamiao
12 years ago

Yep, that's me, too.

Pratama Suprih
Pratama Suprih
12 years ago

is okey..

Donato Santoli
Donato Santoli
12 years ago

lol this is me tonight

Soroosh Amirghofran
Soroosh Amirghofran
12 years ago

So true

David Horvath
David Horvath
12 years ago

happy travels, so many cables to remember. Don't forget to pack the 3DS you think you will use!

Darsh Gohel
Darsh Gohel
12 years ago

i don't know.

Arun Maharaj
Arun Maharaj
12 years ago

did it two days ago

mohamed naamy nasir
mohamed naamy nasir
12 years ago

Nice drawing and true fact for 75% of people.

Susan Suarez
Susan Suarez
12 years ago

Yes, this is our house….

Nikolay Stoddard
Nikolay Stoddard
12 years ago

Dang, I am going to go on a long trip day after tomorrow… Thanks for reminding me to charge me Camera and MP3 player! 

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