I am a firm believer that anything wrapped in bacon ultimately tastes better

I am a firm believer that anything wrapped in bacon ultimately tastes better

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

(Yes that is a Bacon wrapped Twinkies Stonehenge homage)

i am a firm believer that anything wrapped in bacon ultimately tastes better

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Lord Miles Parker
Lord Miles Parker
13 years ago


Allen Firstenberg
Allen Firstenberg
13 years ago


Thomas Devaux
Thomas Devaux
13 years ago

I think you should post it on thisiswhyyourefat.tumblr.com/

Shah Auckburaully
Shah Auckburaully
13 years ago

Slaughterhouse Christmas Special – Epic Meal Time

Valerie Miles
Valerie Miles
13 years ago

Have you seen +Drew Jones bacon epic?

Emma Dingle
Emma Dingle
13 years ago


Arleen Boyd
Arleen Boyd
13 years ago

That sounds strangely delicious! Kinda like bacon donuts…. which are superb!

Rob Gordon
Rob Gordon
13 years ago

I used to make bacon wrapped hot dogs when I was in college. They are good if you don't want to die at 40.

Ralph H
Ralph H
13 years ago

Ok, now it needs to be battered and deep fried.

Wallie Hawkins
Wallie Hawkins
13 years ago

first thought is disgusting….then think about salty bacon meat wrapped around sweet cake with cream…YUM!!!

Marie Axelsson
Marie Axelsson
13 years ago

You're mad!

Jeff Pettorino
Jeff Pettorino
13 years ago

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Oy, my arteries!

Lisa Fardella
Lisa Fardella
13 years ago

anything bacon is good!

Kari Hill
Kari Hill
13 years ago

I'm sure my son would love to try it:) me…not sure Lol

Stefan K
Stefan K
13 years ago

looks awfully disgustingly damn tasty… food architecture!

Christina Lam
Christina Lam
13 years ago

i love bacon and twinkies..but it looks too oily…the twinkie probably soaked in all the oil from the bacon

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
13 years ago

Looks better and more interesting to me than the real Stonehenge! ;P

I Smile
I Smile
13 years ago

Cool cholesterol wrapped with more cholesterol 🙂

Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee
13 years ago

lol I call it bacon-henge

Valerie Miles
Valerie Miles
13 years ago

One of those and I'll have to double up my workouts for a week!

Dharamjit Rihal
Dharamjit Rihal
13 years ago

Oh my. If EpicMealTime taught use anything, it's that everything is better with tons of bacon strips. 🙂

I Smile
I Smile
13 years ago

Ha the answer to life is bacon.

matt krieg
matt krieg
13 years ago

I'll have to have another stent if I ate that!!!! 😛

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

Bacon death.. is a good way to go in my opinion.. .:)

Dave Harris
Dave Harris
13 years ago

Look, a heart attack in a pan.

matt krieg
matt krieg
13 years ago

I was at my friends the other night and he cooked bacon wrapped scallops fried in butter with garlic and I couldnt eat them and needless to say it wasn't plesant 😛

Luis Valencia
Luis Valencia
13 years ago

Whoever came up with this idea is pretty creative.

Pierce Smith
Pierce Smith
13 years ago

Bacon for president.

Shark Bait
Shark Bait
13 years ago

O-M-G!!!!! this combines my love of ancient monuments …AND my worship of bacon products!!!

Melissa Parker
Melissa Parker
13 years ago

This photo .. is perfection. <3

Evgeniy OZ
Evgeniy OZ
13 years ago

time to wash the pan

Alexandru Stefan
Alexandru Stefan
13 years ago

I want to vomit

Morgan ABBOU
Morgan ABBOU
13 years ago

+Brenda Curtis this is for you 🙂

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

yup! I posted it a few weeks ago. You don't think I'd let something that fanatically
bacon go by do you? LOL!

Morgan ABBOU
Morgan ABBOU
13 years ago

+Brenda Curtis indeed, that looked familiar 🙂 You are my bacon reference. I had bacon at a brunch today and I had to think of your pictures

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

+Paul Was is the bacon guru. I am a humble acolyte.
I'm having a chicken/mushroom/bacon sandwich now as I watch a so so football game.
Bacon makes everything better!

Morgan ABBOU
Morgan ABBOU
13 years ago

Yummy! Bacon has indeed a magic effect on food. Thanks for mentioning +Paul Was I didn't know that we had a bacon guru on G+, I'm going to check if he manages to express the same communicative passion as you do.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

+Brenda Curtis Bacon does make everything better… will have to add you to my bacon circle.

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

there's a bacon circle? o_0
I'm in!

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

I have a circle of one that is 'better than bacon"

Jarrod W
Jarrod W
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain you are already in my "tech" circle, adding you to the "Bacon Junkies" circle

Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt
13 years ago

I'm not sure about this one…..

Meg Tufano
Meg Tufano
13 years ago

I just read that Google handed out bacon and chocolate chip cookies at their most recent convention. THAT sounds crazy, but? I'll have to try it before I give an opinion.

My favorite "bacon recipe" is bacon wrapped around a water chestnut, baked with a tiny bit of brown sugar. (Again, why is my tech circle so full of talk of FOOD! ;'))

Jarrod W
Jarrod W
13 years ago

Bacon wrapped anything is great, which prompted me to come up with my greatest bacon idea ever; BACON-WRAPPED BACON
I am still perfecting the recipe, and will post to my circle once it is ready

Raymond Brooks
Raymond Brooks
13 years ago

bacon heart attack cake.

William Drewnowski
William Drewnowski
13 years ago

Really really good, thick, crispy bacon wrapped in old, crappy, undercooked bacon would ultimately taste worse.

Meg Tufano
Meg Tufano
13 years ago

Please tell me +Arne Harling that you are hungry for fun food and not actually hungry. If the latter, we will need to talk. There is "Angel Food" in the U.S. But maybe it is late and I have been watching a serious film. But do let me know . . . I am not "hungry." I am just amazed that my "tech" group is so into FOOD!!!!!

Tim DeYoung
Tim DeYoung
13 years ago

Holy heart attack, Batman.

matt krieg
matt krieg
13 years ago

I dream tonight of Bacon Wrapped Twinkees and slabs of baby back ribs and real mexican pork tacos and 30 Lb cheeseburgers and greasy Denver omlettes with 15 PEICES OF TOAST and I have to wake up and eat twigs and berrys. I jus want a ham sandwich please JUST ONE!!!

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

I have been craving Baby back ribs too!
I want all the pig! all of it!

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