Facebook To Start Charging $1 A Message From People You Don’t Know

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Dear Faceybook,

What? Really? Faceybook you are going to give people the option to pay $1 per message.. and make that message end up in my INBOX… regardless of my settings?  O_o You said its to help deal with better user experience.. and determine if the cost to send a message helps stop spam… You know what helps stop spam? Better user controls to combat spam, better customer service and reporting, better “this looks like bot behavior” algorithms…. not.. pay for spam features.  Who works in your marketing and design departments.. that thinks these are good ideas?

Seriously Faceybook… Almost once a day now i’m seeing some news articles about how you are doing insane ideas to try and stay relevant and make money,  when all you are doing is alienating your audience and looking like “that guy” used car salesman…. I seriously am wondering why anyone is still using your service…

Google plus allows you to make your social media experience, what ever you want… Ad free. It works and looks beautiful mobile. Hangouts, Communities, Events, Photo sharing… Of course there are some bugs but.. it solves pretty much all social connecting needs.  And it’s all part of the Google family products. I even just used Google to send a Santa phone call to my niece .. For free.  Even the New Myspace with its super modern and sleek design is something for you to start worrying about, Faceybook.

Hire some proper marketing people.. and get your butt in gear… Or soon i’m sad to say… we really can’t talk anymore. You’re going to go the way of the dodo bird.



Offical Facebook blog announcing said 1$ feature >http://newsroom.fb.com/News/558/Update-to-Messaging-and-a-Test



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11 years ago

so true!!! nice speach! 😉

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