*Don't Wish Bacon Burning On Your Worst Enemy*

*Don't Wish Bacon Burning On Your Worst Enemy*

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Some things are just going too far! No one deserves burnt bacon… Think of the tasty morsels of goodness going to waste! ;'(


don39t wish bacon burning on your worst enemy

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12 years ago


Denis Lehane
Denis Lehane
12 years ago

Crispy bacon is nice though….unless it's intentionally burned, that would be a crime.

Leo McDevitt
Leo McDevitt
12 years ago

STOP cruelty to bacon! Eat vegetarians!

John thomas Brewster
John thomas Brewster
12 years ago

shut up leo

Kwangjae Jung
Kwangjae Jung
12 years ago

Yeah, just shut the hell up  We're not rabbits.

Thomas Hawk
Thomas Hawk
12 years ago

I'm so reporting this post.

Jake Kern
Jake Kern
12 years ago

Burnt bacon?! Oh, the humanity!!!

Andrew Honma
Andrew Honma
12 years ago

I dunno. Slightly burnt bacon is pretty good. 😀

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I'm pretty sure  is kidding people 🙂

Leo McDevitt
Leo McDevitt
12 years ago

 was right, I was only kidding… vegetarians taste too much like vegetables to be palatable.

Bill Urwin
Bill Urwin
12 years ago

Well on a technicality, he did say eat "vegetarians" not "vegetarian" .As cannibals used to call human flesh "long pig", he may be onto something 🙂

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

^^^ Ha! 😀 This post has reached human cannibalism in 10 comments… .. its definitely getting flagged for abuse! lol

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

Preach it Amanda!
We should start a bacon circle?!?

Kwangjae Jung
Kwangjae Jung
12 years ago

Bacon and Cats always gather more +1s and comments in G+ than posts on uncomfortable situations in Middle East. That's why I'm lovin' it. 😀

BJ Cardon
BJ Cardon
12 years ago

I always like it when the edges are black and crispy. 🙂

Brandon Cook
Brandon Cook
12 years ago

What a monster!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Come now  I already HAVE a bacon circle –> plus.google.com/u/0/+AmandaBlain/posts/N3BC8d2qNeQ

Valentino Casias
Valentino Casias
12 years ago

Dont burn the bacon, damn it!!!!wtf.
Lol. *<;~{'

amy campbell
amy campbell
12 years ago

Oh the inhumanity of it all, please don't burn the bacon!!

kevin kordosky
kevin kordosky
12 years ago

long live un-burnt bacon!!!

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

O_O Dafuq!! gosh, im behind lol. When you have the time please add me to that epic circle. 🙂

david olsen
david olsen
12 years ago

oh no, i'm doomed, my bacon is burning, funny stuff that one hahaha!!!

steve booth
steve booth
12 years ago

Crispy Bacon is the only words the cook needs to hear.

Kendra Moss
Kendra Moss
12 years ago

Howl's Moving Castle :]

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I might have to go get some bacon.. right now… just cause im concerned.

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

Why think about it, DO IIIIITT!!! and pics or it never happened ;P

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
12 years ago

"What is best in life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear their lamentation as they watch you eat their bacon."

kevin kordosky
kevin kordosky
12 years ago


Firdaus Yusof
Firdaus Yusof
12 years ago


Firdaus Yusof
Firdaus Yusof
12 years ago

teke blood: on morning>d

Steve Campopiano
Steve Campopiano
12 years ago

Im not religious but thats a sin

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

 .. that dear sir.. is a fabulous quote.. 🙂

Rudy Maldonado
Rudy Maldonado
12 years ago

If you cooked all the foam out of your bacon then you already fried it too long- it doesn't need to burn to be blasphemous.

john duff
john duff
12 years ago

well done, not burned

Johnny Zed
Johnny Zed
12 years ago

 Why thank you, though I have to give credit where credit's due; I'm merely paraphrasing he cheesy "Conan The Barbarian" movie of the 1980s, which in turn got the original from Harold Lamb's book "Ghengis Khan: Emperor Of All Men".  I'll still take the compliment, though.  *bows*

Preston Hiltz
Preston Hiltz
12 years ago

Ummm BaCon!

john duff
john duff
12 years ago

move over bacon,,,Now there's something meatier! LMAO

Daniel Patterson
Daniel Patterson
12 years ago

I kind of like burnt bacon. Or well done.

Sebastiao Vicente
Sebastiao Vicente
12 years ago

bacon for diner

john duff
john duff
12 years ago

I remember peanut butter and bacon sandwiches! Toasted!

john duff
john duff
12 years ago

funny what catches our eye and goes viral on here

jason carnell
jason carnell
12 years ago

Burnt bacon only if its kevin burnt at the stake
Only kidding kevin

Hinsel Scott
Hinsel Scott
12 years ago


lytonia coleman
lytonia coleman
12 years ago


isaiah Johnson
isaiah Johnson
12 years ago

Bacon is better crunchy with it longer

Aja Reeves
Aja Reeves
12 years ago

I like…. Turkey bacon only…

jeff jare
jeff jare
12 years ago

 I do believe that this is "Blasphemy"  Is this Canadian in your Bacon circle ? <(~_O)>

Lindy Mase
Lindy Mase
12 years ago


Phillip Ryan
Phillip Ryan
12 years ago

Amanda, you are a girl after my own heart. <3

Jason Brabander
Jason Brabander
12 years ago

Can I wish for the bacon to burn my enemy instead?

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