*Battle of the Social Networks – Who Will Win In Terms Of Interactions On The Same Published Story*?
+Mashable has release another story about G+ being a site of "low activity" complete with Infograph stats that really make no sense. I'm frankly tired of these articles and pictures, So today I did some resarch and made my very own pretty picture, comparing some articles that Mashable has published in the last 24 hours and how much Social Media buzz they got across the various networks. I bring you…
What are the ACTUAL Interaction Results across Google+, Twitter and Facebook (with pictures and numbers) for the same story from Mashable?
STORY :Would You Wear an Internet-Connected T-Shirt?… (also conveniently by Mr who wrote this G+ ghost town article) – http://mashable.com/2012/08/08/internet-connected-t-shirt/
Google+ Summary –
• 810 +1s
• 415 Reshares
• 265 Comments (not including all the comments and plus ones from each of those 415 reshares of course) ….
Twitter Summary – (http://twitter.com/mashable/status/233175795370172416)
• 32 Favorites
• 130 RT
• 5 @Replies
Facebook Summary – (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151304555674705&set=a.76650969704.71443.18807449704&type=1)
G+ hands down winner here.
Let's compare another one shall we?
STORY : Not on Facebook? Employers, Psychiatrists May Think You’re a Psychopath – http://mashable.com/2012/08/07/no-facebook-psychopath/
Google+ Summary –
• 386 +1s
• 324 ReShares
Twitter Summary – (http://twitter.com/mashable/status/233155694054998016)
• 44 Favorites
• 120 RT
• 2 @Replies
Facebook Summary – (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151302812799705&set=a.76650969704.71443.18807449704&type=1)
FB was close but over all G+ wins again! (Especially including the comments and +s on all 324 reshares)
These numbers were accurate as of the time of this post as you can see by clicking to enlarge the lovely graphic below . 🙂
I would REALLY like to stress that both Facebook and Twitter have various APIs that allow their numbers to be automated, for example Auto RT everything Mashable says. None of these are possible on G+ because there is NO personal write API. Real people are manually doing each one of these actions on the stats listed above on Google Plus.
The point i am trying to stress here in bright clear numbers is that G+ has a way higher level of engagement than the other two on the same story… How on EARTH can you post G+ has low engagement on your website when this site is actually giving you WAY better engagement?
I really hope someday soon we can stop seeing these link bait articles about how "dead and ghost town" Google plus it is. Its simply false sensationalized reporting.
If you are finding G+ a bit isolated, circle some more people, join a public hangout or gosh darn it try posting and commenting here once a day using some trending hashtags, pretty pictures and stuff you are interested in!
It can be life changing experience to find your voice and make a noise here on G+.
Good for you +Amanda Blain for calling them out over this. Linkbait is right! 🙂
Loved the way you used their own stats against them. Excellent job!
I think its just trendy to make comments about how something sucks so you can get irate people posting about you publicizing your stupidity
+Amanda Blain While I don't agree with the Mashable article, you're missing one major factor as to why this was shared much more often on G+. It's because it was about G+…not Facebook, or Twitter.
you assume things, but feel free to post some statistics on other stories
I USED to really like Mashable
I know where the argument is coming from that G+ is a "ghost town"…. but if people would just follow the advice of many and actually put just a little bit of effort into it….. sigh
Great example – I'm not surprised in the least.
Thanks for taking the time to compare the numbers. It really does prove G+ is not a ghost town.
What have you got to say for yourselves +Mashable?!
Bravo! +Amanda Blain Loved that you pulled all the numbers for a side by side comparison. And what you said at the end was perfect.
The interesting thing I've noticed, is: G+ stuff gets shared on G+ and Facebook stuff on Facebook, but everything still gets shared on Twitter. I'm not so much making a point here; I'm just making an observation
Sorry what I purposely picked a facebook positive article.. and one about Internet T-shirts… I did NOT use the G+ link bait article in my stats although im sure the numbers will end up in similar ball parks…
I ain't afraid o' no ghosts!
Typical Google bashing, went thru this with Gwave and Buzz, +Mashable makes money off advertising, that comes from traffic, and slanting posts to Facebook fanboys get traffic.
AND they know all us G+ powerusers will turn out in droves to express our disagreement. So linking to them and commenting is what they are after +Amanda Blain Don't fall for their BS, I am not wasting any more time on them.
Talk to them +Amanda Blain I don't know why they hate Google+ so much.
I regularly see images and posts on FB that have over 100,000 likes and thousands of comments and shares. This is a VERY small example of interaction and who wins.
Well if facebook had an os, a cell phone, or a cloud maybe facebook could have such posts but right now its just a glorified message board…
No link to the garbage article at all in this post … specifically for this purpose.
Mashable hates everything Google, they are on Apple's payroll.
Thank you so much for this +Amanda Blain ! I think Mashable has bias towards Facebook maybe.
Very cool info, keep on 'em! I'm so sick of the link bait articles too!
Isn't that kinda like apples & oranges? What people find interesting on Facebook doesn't translate well to Google+!
+Liz ?uilty I'm only referring to the popularity of this article. If you look at all the reshares of it, it's only because people, on G+, are feeling left out because of it. The controversy is creating a ton more page views and such for Mashable here than on other networks.
I used to waste my energy…not anymore.. Google+ needs to be doing more to make people see that Google+ isn't what all these Ghost town blogging eejits are claiming. I am tired of doing their job for them and I have also seen that I am only promoting the eejits more if I do post…so I stopped and I sit back and wait to see if Google will ever start doing the job it has been leaving its users to do without getting paid…that it should be doing itself!
I'm repeating myself here, But I actually think it's a bias born of laziness. These media outlets have worked hard to get their presence on Facebook and they don't want to have to start all over again. I can't blame them for that, but at the same time, I don't take them too seriously when they bash new networks
Numbers are easy to throw around, they are so quantitative. I would love to see open and direct measurement of qualities like satisfaction, passion, relevance, and engagement.
I just hate everyone.
Excellent work +Amanda Blain. What is also not really mentioned is that the +1 number is only the number of +1s from the original site and does not include +1s on those shares within Google+.
This is different than the way Likes are calculated by Facebook where comments on a Like are added to the total.
Related: www.blindfiveyearold.com/how-to-get-100-likes-from-2-people
+Aaron Wood of course… and thats the only criticism someone could give this post. "Why those articles"… Although scanning the Mashable FB page.. i didnt find any post with 100,000 likes… most show similar numbers to what I posted above.
The point i am trying to stress here in bright clear numbers is that G+ has a way way way way way higher level of engagement than the other two on the same story… how on EARTH can you post G+ has low engagement on your website when this site is giving you WAY better engagement?
Say it loud, say it proud, Amanda. 😀 I get so angry when someone says that nothing happens here… then they send me links to news articles and videos that I saw 4 days earlier on Google+. *shakes head*
normally cheap talk about a giant gets much publicity than that about a weakling.so don`t get surprised some one picks on Google!
Yeah G+ is definitely very fresh I guess being so close to Google Reader helps
Meh, I saw this on Friendfeed earlier and didn't think much of it.
Good one +Amanda Blain
Maybe it has just been my industry, but I have been having a tough time searching for #insurance professionals. Starting to expand into general small business tips. Need to dig up some articles on how to user G+ like a power user. Any recommendations?
The faster we ingore these click-bait articles, the sooner they will go away. We all know they are BS
I did mention that 🙂 Twice actually 🙂
Let's not forget the engagement on G+ is superior to that from Facebook or Twitter. We got Quantity and Quality here! 😉
I'm not so sure, Mashable have been posting Click bait for years and it works very well for them. I wish it wasn't so, but it is
Yeah… sadly you're right. It's a shame allows this garbage to run.
"Journalists" love to take an accepted idea and rewrite the same story even after it ceases to be true. G+ has come out of its early adopter phase and is by far the most engaging social medium, imho.
+Amanda Blain 6 months ago, I would have gone medieval on Mashable like I did last year on Ben Parr, when he wrote that garbage about Google "not eating their own dog food". Now, I know not to give them pageviews. The game to them is click-throughs and also saving Facebook, which has already achieved walking-dead status.
I never like playing the superiority card, However, G+ has retained the real discourse crown for a while now 🙂
Mashable writes garbage and repeats (that's their formula). Frankly I am getting tired of their top 5 reasons to… Etc.
I was not a fan of G+ when it was first introduced. But it has blossomed to become the most elegantly designed social network with real people (mostly), and I have become quite enamored with it.
Thanks +Amanda Blain for taking the time to put together a counter argument.
+Amanda Blain I should have mentioned, you did a very nice job on this.
It deserves to be mentioned more +Amanda Blain. Too few understand the social proof fudging that Facebook (and to a lesser degree Twitter) engage in.
No where in this post did I link the "low engagement" article. No Link Bait from Me. 🙂 Instead I linked a Facebook Postive story(assuming it would have high facebook stats) and another one by the same author as the "low engagement" article that Marshable posted in the last 24 hours.
Yeah that's for sure, G+ is very well designed. In fact, Facebook practically admitted that, with their redesigned mimicry
Go G+! Go +Amanda Blain !
the other story is about Facebook