Frogger Best C64 Game Ever?

Frogger Best C64 Game Ever?

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

 In light of my last post… Found this poking around 🙂  Its RetroThursday Or something 🙂

#frogger   #videogames   #retro  

frogger best c64 game ever

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Joe Frazier, Jr
Joe Frazier, Jr
12 years ago

Zork all the way baby!!!!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I ? Zork

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

For you +Jordan Oram 🙂

Robert DeStefano
Robert DeStefano
12 years ago

The C-64 was my first computer……back in the day…

Jackson Mileur
Jackson Mileur
12 years ago

Why is Frogger carrying a briefcase? Is he trying to get to work?

Jordan Oram
Jordan Oram
12 years ago

And here's something for you +Amanda Blain 😀 C64 m.u.l.e. music

John Berger
John Berger
12 years ago

…except that the picture is for the *gulp* TRS-80!!  Nothing like 128×48 resolution with 1 color – on or off.

David Price
David Price
12 years ago

Back when the actual video game looked nothing like the illustration on the box.  🙂

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Indeed +Jackson Mileur the frog is going home from work 😀

Thomas King
Thomas King
12 years ago

Speaking of Retro Thursday, just finished watching Monster Squad.

Jordan Oram
Jordan Oram
12 years ago

+Thomas King Kick him in the nards!

Jackson Mileur
Jackson Mileur
12 years ago

And obviously the reason why his clothes are so disheveled is that he just met up with the lady frog character before that picture was taken. He looks so worried because he is afraid his wife is going to find out. He's certainly not afraid of that truck, which looks unoccupied and motionless.

Eddie Mohan
Eddie Mohan
12 years ago

Nice find again +Amanda Blain!

Seeing the Frogger on Seinfeld had to be the funniest thing ever!

David Price
David Price
12 years ago

5th Avenue Frogger, a real time traffic version of Frogger.

Joe Frazier, Jr
Joe Frazier, Jr
12 years ago

Heh… If you are artistically inclined, the "motion lines" behind frogger give the impression that he is taking off into flight(up up and away!!!!!)

Derick Mino
Derick Mino
12 years ago


Andrew Bell
Andrew Bell
12 years ago

Had it on the Amstrad CPC464. Not as good as dizzy egg… but I spent countless hours getting mashed up by the huge lawnmowers!

Scott Logue
Scott Logue
12 years ago

Flight Simulator II… I must have had 5000 hours on that thing

Jimmie Fisher
Jimmie Fisher
12 years ago

ATARI 2600 STILL RULES!!! 🙂 🙂 #retrogamer  

takashi kitajima
takashi kitajima
12 years ago

I feel nostalgic this !! 

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

Its time for Frogger: the movie.

Andrew Bell
Andrew Bell
12 years ago

Kermit for lead role?

Donagh Reardon
Donagh Reardon
12 years ago

+Andrew Bell Nah Jon Voight would be a better choice. He'd bring more of a deeper dimension to the character.  

Andrew Hintz
Andrew Hintz
12 years ago

Too funny! It was fun to play.

Rebecca LeHeup
Rebecca LeHeup
12 years ago

LOL – childhood memories

Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

Playing Frogger at age thirteen with my brother…it was the first time we heard my father use this phrase: "oops son, looks like you pulled a boner"

Jared Youtsey
Jared Youtsey
12 years ago

No way. Lode Runner was the best C64 game.

Isaac Katzenelson
Isaac Katzenelson
12 years ago

For me in was always Radar  Rat Race on the C64

Wesely Hudson
Wesely Hudson
12 years ago

go frogerr

Roland Mendoza
Roland Mendoza
12 years ago

You mean "high crossing frog " proper term no excuses :p

James Jameson
James Jameson
12 years ago

I was always partial to Mail Order Monsters and Dr. J and Larry Bird 1 on 1.. annnnd I just dated myself and feel horrible

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

OMG MAIL ORDER MONSTERS… i loved that one too… +James Jameson 

donald hakala
donald hakala
12 years ago

forget Tony Hawk… How about the original…"Skate or Die!" on C64

Joe Frazier, Jr
Joe Frazier, Jr
12 years ago

Newspaper boy!!!

eric doyle
eric doyle
12 years ago

go frogger i love this game

Vinay Mishra
Vinay Mishra
12 years ago

hi iamvinay

sofia khan
sofia khan
12 years ago


uzodinma onyemuwa
uzodinma onyemuwa
12 years ago

Super fly

Harish Tiwari
Harish Tiwari
12 years ago

nice pic

Kelly Randell
Kelly Randell
12 years ago

Grat pic! I loved this game back in the day. Played for hours!

Joe Frazier, Jr
Joe Frazier, Jr
12 years ago

Oh crap.. I totally spaced on my fav Amiga game: Sword of Aragon…. I spent hundreds of hours on that damn game.  part rpg, part wargame,  and part city simulation

Harvey Yeager
Harvey Yeager
12 years ago

We are dating ourselves when declare our memories of Frogger.

yousuf shakir
yousuf shakir
12 years ago

mandak ha ke chor

inba Inbarajan
inba Inbarajan
12 years ago


Alan Landucci-Ruiz
Alan Landucci-Ruiz
12 years ago

Impossible Mission was the best. That, deja vu, and Mean Streets. I played them all when the bbs line was busy.

Rodiard Royales
Rodiard Royales
12 years ago

teach me how to froggy'

Acid Eiffel
Acid Eiffel
12 years ago

Oui, ze frog is number 1.

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