*Lest We Forget - Remembrance Day*

*Lest We Forget – Remembrance Day*

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Resharing from last year… 🙂 My grandfather is still Just as Good … A happy healthy 92… He actually returned with the Canadian Gov’t this year to Dieppe, France to visit the beach where so many Canadians died…. He enjoys reading what people post here on Gplus about this topic. (Yeah he uses the internet pretty good)

I am proud to see it trend here on GPlus (especially after the recent election division in the USA) and am glad people around the world remember so many people who sacrificed for our freedoms.


Reshared post from +Amanda Blain

This is my Grandfather. He is 91 Years old. He still lives on his own and was seen lately fixing the windows in his house, chopping wood and using email to talk to countless people around the world.

He survived Dieppe in France and Years in a World War 2 Prisoner of War camp in Lamsdorf, Germany. His hands were roped and chained from morning to night for over a year. But he Survived. Countless others he fought and lived beside never did. I’ve lived my life growing up hearing his tales and have huge respect for those who died and lived to make sure we have the freedoms we do today.

I hope you remember too. ♥ you Papa and Thank You.

Please feel free to share this…. this is what Nov 11th Is about.

this is my grandfather

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Sonja Meacham
Sonja Meacham
12 years ago

God Bless him, I am sure he is an inpiration.  we can learn a lot from wisdom.  dont let that pass you by.  he will not always be here.

Lacerant Plainer
Lacerant Plainer
12 years ago

Inspiring story. Thanks for sharing:)

Ron Wise
Ron Wise
12 years ago

From one veteran to another, thank you, sir, for your service.

Teresa Medina
Teresa Medina
12 years ago

youre lucky to have him must  be proud of him

Robert Eddy
Robert Eddy
12 years ago

Great man. hes gotta be very proud to have served a great country

John Mitchell
John Mitchell
12 years ago

Thank you for sharing  !

Bob Bergerson
Bob Bergerson
12 years ago

may god bless him for ever he is a hero a true living hero i salute him and you for sharing

Robert Eddy
Robert Eddy
12 years ago

this man looks like he can get stuff done. even at his age. god bless

D.D. Davis
D.D. Davis
12 years ago

Thank you to all that serve.

Tim Rice
Tim Rice
12 years ago

God bless the military. They protect or freedom even when people use that freedom to bash them. By the way your Grandpa looks like a boss with all those medals.

Sonja Meacham
Sonja Meacham
12 years ago

Yes I agree, defending freedom is something that each one of us can do on our home front, but to those who put their life on the line for their country , their fellow man….they are our true heros

Helene Torrinha
Helene Torrinha
12 years ago

I respect and admire your Grandfather, but if soldiers don't exist war don't exist to! They make the war and at the end they are also who suffer the most!

maria aguilar
maria aguilar
12 years ago

thank you amanda iam thin the same this veteran dayglory

Dela Cruz Patrick
Dela Cruz Patrick
12 years ago


Dela Cruz Patrick
Dela Cruz Patrick
12 years ago

HE LOOKS familiar

Gunther Bravatti
Gunther Bravatti
12 years ago

Spanish and italiano

robert meunier
robert meunier
12 years ago

Thank you Amanda for highlighting this great man.

Ashutosh Misra
Ashutosh Misra
12 years ago

Looks like my Grand Father(no more with us)

Dean Montague
Dean Montague
12 years ago

You continue to fight every day you get up and accept those challenges in front of you until it's time to pass the flag to others. Keep charging soldier!!!!!

Allen Kimble, Jr
Allen Kimble, Jr
12 years ago

I have the greatest admiration for your grandfather Amanda.  I would love to spend several hours asking him questions.

Bill Ryan
Bill Ryan
12 years ago

God bless them all… 

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
      Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
   The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie
         In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
         In Flanders fields.

Ataullah Siddiqui
Ataullah Siddiqui
12 years ago

Nice to learn about  your grandfather. Good evening.

Tonny Be
Tonny Be
12 years ago

Be happy hes still who he is, I spend most of my days taking care of my 80 year old grandmother, deservedly so, but still.. it'd be nice to have her how she was, ya know? If for nothing more than her own sake.

Lovance Joseph Johnson Jr.
Lovance Joseph Johnson Jr.
12 years ago

that what a Vet, look like shsh make me one

Amoroso Ilbeyg
Amoroso Ilbeyg
12 years ago

He and I are always happy to say hello to healthy and sustainable peace in the world is now. Hoping health

Ananda Sim
Ananda Sim
12 years ago

I wish him well and tell him I said hello with some music

Trey Collier
Trey Collier
12 years ago

I'm so grateful for the peeps like your Grand Father!    They are truly the greatest generation!      Tell him thanks!  😛

zakir rangrej
zakir rangrej
12 years ago


Augustine Iniodu
Augustine Iniodu
12 years ago

Only the fittest by grace of God lives in good health as your Grand Father. Cheers!

Amoroso Ilbeyg
Amoroso Ilbeyg
12 years ago

Hoping for peace in the world

Mark Statham
Mark Statham
12 years ago

I would like to say thankyou to those great diggers who sacrificed there lives to fight for their country and lost their live so long ago and for those men and women who are fighting the wars today thankyou and lest we forget

Khalifa Ali
Khalifa Ali
12 years ago

Whit out old no live and now freedom,hope oll healthy

devendra mishra
devendra mishra
12 years ago

supper thats amazing..even my grandfather lasted for 93 years..just passed last year…old is always gold

Thomas Hofmann
Thomas Hofmann
12 years ago

Cool and strong guy

dany sebastiao
dany sebastiao
12 years ago

he is tired … he needs a VODKA

Alliy Seyid
Alliy Seyid
12 years ago

old soldier never die.

12 years ago


Tauseef Ahmed
Tauseef Ahmed
12 years ago

soldiers are strong and brave mostly come out of blood bath and live longrer

Jonathan Moore
Jonathan Moore
12 years ago

I salute our boys and girls in uniform. You guys are !

tha mer
tha mer
12 years ago

 Veterans are the pride and history of the United peoples who love peace

zeus cronus
zeus cronus
12 years ago

I am forever in debt papa,I promise 2 use my life to the good of our nation.zawadi from zambia

tha mer
tha mer
12 years ago

I am the man who wants to get closer to God than we who decide Karma love and be good people. Not evil in the earth Cultivate love among people everywhere find yourself whom I love America so picking the fruits of good living among its people.I'm from Iraq like the memory of veterans

Stefan Corchie
Stefan Corchie
12 years ago


Ararsa Abdeta
Ararsa Abdeta
12 years ago

openly done
i miss you

Nia VJ
Nia VJ
12 years ago

Amanda send my regards to your grandfather…God bless!

Vinay Chaudhary
Vinay Chaudhary
12 years ago

hi i,m vinay i also love my grand paa.. but he is no more.. i,m from india

Robert Quick
Robert Quick
12 years ago

Your lucky to have such a wonderful Grandfather , more power to him, He gives me Inspiration , I to am a veteran of the Vietnam War say thank you for me his generation gave my generation freedom and so every man must do their part for those behind him ,PEACE

jackson w. njeri
jackson w. njeri
12 years ago

i do salute your Grand pa and all those thousands out there or under the earth who surely did the greatest sacrifice of their lives for the sake of our today's freedom. and also not to forget the MAU MAU.

Michele Griffin
Michele Griffin
12 years ago

I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DIED  AND ALL WHO LIVED THAT SERVED IN WAR!!!!!!The torment,pain,and all the ridicule they had to suffer just so we could be where we are today.You'll always have my respect.My father Thomas A.Griffin served in Vietnam War he was solid and fought hard core combat.Setting bombs and witnessing the unimaginable,Not knowing he would make through to tell his children why their here today.I LOVE YOU DAD!

chalmers thain
chalmers thain
12 years ago

that  great    to   hear   that

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