Remember, remember the fifth of November,

Remember, remember the fifth of November,

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

Happy Guy Fawkes' Day Everyone…
( You closing your faceybook or bank account down today ?)

remember remember the fifth of november

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Sebastien Defrance
Sebastien Defrance
13 years ago

"You closing your faceybook or bank account down today ?"
I see what you did there…

Ji?í Strašil
Ji?í Strašil
13 years ago

i will delete all my "friends" and stay only in groups. In fact, i dont use FB so much like g+… and i will transfer my money into local credit union

Lord Miles Parker
Lord Miles Parker
13 years ago

And Remember My Ancestors for arranging Guy Fawkes in the first place please

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

I hope you do know that Guy Fawkes was a deranged psychopath hated by the UK for trying to start an anarchist revolution by attempting to blow up King James.

Richard De Vita
Richard De Vita
13 years ago

not a villain !!!

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+Andy Cameron, most people don't know the history behind the legend and mainly base their knowledge on the movie V for Vendetta.

See this Wikipedia article regarding Guy Fawkes Night:

Allen Firstenberg
Allen Firstenberg
13 years ago

I think the modern perception of Guy is more shaped by V for Vendetta than by what he failed to do (replace a Protestant Monarchy with a Catholic Monarchy).

Lord Miles Parker
Lord Miles Parker
13 years ago

As I already Said Guy (Guido) Fawkes was hired by my ancestors to blow up parliament.. but he failed 🙁

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+Lord Miles Parker, he may have been hired, but he was conspiring to commit treason, murder, and assassination of his king. If he succeeded, I doubt that the world would be as advanced as it is today.

Jackie Wills
Jackie Wills
13 years ago

I do know the history behind Guy Fawkes. It should be a reminder to politicians…

Richard De Vita
Richard De Vita
13 years ago

The sun never sets on the british empire, you mean that advanced world.

Peter Wilds
Peter Wilds
13 years ago

"115" doesn't have the same ring to it as "the 5th of November".

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson
13 years ago

John Lennon – Remember

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

Freedom Fighter and Hero?………or Treasonous Terrorist. History gets to be written by the victors.

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

I doubt that a hero is someone that would try to murder someone and overthrow the government through violence, +George Hilbert. History may be written by the victors, but that doesn't mean the victors are always wrong.

Richard De Vita
Richard De Vita
13 years ago

Murder someone(many), overthrow sovereigns,sounds familiar.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+David Greene you have to be kidding me, right? When were governments EVER overthrown by other than violent means? Our own founding fathers were terrorist by every modern definition of the word and were really no different than the Confederates in the Civil War fighting to break away from a legal government. One won and one lost. History depicts them differently solely because of that fact.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

And whether they are right or wrong, the "victors" are just about always treated kindly by history.

Peter Wilds
Peter Wilds
13 years ago

Historians give a far more nuanced view of events than people are giving them credit for. They certainly don't buy into simplistic cliches like "history is written by the victors".

Nikki Love
Nikki Love
13 years ago

I take it the revolutionaries involved the French Revolution were not heroes either?

Peter Wilds
Peter Wilds
13 years ago

Define "hero". They killed people to achieve their goals. Historians don't apply labels like hero and villain.

Joe Ede
Joe Ede
13 years ago

One mans freedom fighter is anothers terrorist. Its all a matter of perspective and much of history as we know it has been slanted by those who wrote or re-wrote it.
Even what we know of what happens in the world today passes through other peoples mental filters before being reported.

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+George Hilbert, I believe that the Founding Fathers sent a peaceful Declaration of Independence to the King of England, rather than killing him. Maybe some of the other revolutionaries wanted the king dead, but the majority of the Founding Fathers didn't want that. The American Revolution occurred due to the unfair treatment of England, not "just because."

Guy Fawkes was planning on killing King James and throwing the monarchy into a chaotic flurry. He did not have an army, nor did he have many supporters. The Founding Fathers didn't conspire to murder the King, but rather break off from English control. As for nonviolent revolutions, there were many. These include the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, the People Power Revolution of 1986 in the Philippines, and the Peaceful Revolution in Germany.

I'm not saying Guy Fawkes was a villian, however I feel that his actions shouldn't be so condoned as it seemingly is. Yes, his motives may have been righteous, but how he was going to achieve those goals were not.

Ryan Anderson
Ryan Anderson
13 years ago

+David Greene Actually he was planning on killing King James and replacing him with a Catholic queen.

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+Ryan Anderson, I understand that and by doing so, he would have thrown the monarchy into a chaotic flurry.

Nikki Love
Nikki Love
13 years ago

You do remember that Guy Fawkes was not acting alone, and he wasn't even the ringleader? He just happened to be the only one caught in the cellar at the time. Even after torture he did not give up his co-conspirators, although some were caught later. And it was regarding the Catholic persecution by the Protestants of which James I was the head.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+David Greene that is the point. The reasons do not matter. In the Civil War, the Northern industrialists were oppressing the Southern agribusiness. It was not all about slavery. But let's not get caught up in the examples and their justifications. I am merely saying that in POPULAR history, not some obscure tomes (which DO tend to tell the truth), whoever wins tends to be treated better and their cause more celebrated. We came into this country and even used biological weapons to defeat the native population, including women and children. Yet the history books speak of "Manifest Destiny" . Most of our 'heroes" would have been tried for war crimes if such tribunals as The Hague had existed then. But instead, they are celebrated.

Did I say "just because"? You put quotes around it as though it is exact words…….I may have said that, but I don't think so.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+Peter Wilds a "hero" is someone who, from a position of seeming weakness, displays courage and self sacrifice to help achieve a goal. Notice that I do not say whether the goal is a good one or a bad one. That is the relative part. Many smart people in China see Chairman Mao as a hero.

Oz Warren
Oz Warren
13 years ago

+David Greene As James was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, would that have been a 'McFlurry'?

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+Nikki Love just for the sake of accuracy, Fawkes DID give up most of his co-conspirators. But he did hold out for a long time. He was a mercenary. He could have just as easily been working for the other side. he really did not have a dog in the fight.

Nikki Love
Nikki Love
13 years ago

+George Hilbert thanks, I just checked my facts again and he did eventually break under torture

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+George Hilbert, I do not condone the actions of the settlers and what they did to the native people, however there's nothing that anybody can do about it now. History is written as it is. Bias is implemented afterward.

I wasn't quoting you when I said "just because." I was quoting the phrase. I apologize for that misunderstanding.

Also, by your definition of a hero, that would include Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and Jim Jones.

Ryan Anderson
Ryan Anderson
13 years ago

+David Greene To their respective people they were heroes. The entire point is that it is a subjective term.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+David Greene that is not my definition. I got it from a classic Greek reference. And I guess in their own way, they were celebrated by their constituents as such. The point is that there is no definitive criteria to be a hero, just that your peers look upon you as one.

The attitude throughout history has been, "if your cause is just, any means are justified to achieve it". The criteria of "just" in that context is what seems to follow the winners and be lost for the losers.

Dharamjit Rihal
Dharamjit Rihal
13 years ago

I don't even use my FB anymore. And my money is already in a credit union.

David Knowles
David Knowles
13 years ago

Richard De Vita – The sun never sets on the british empire, you mean that advanced world.

The British empire probably did more good in the world than evil. A survey showed a few years ago that if former colonies had a choice many would choose the British empire over there current government.

An it was our dominance of the seas, an the fact you were never going to trade successfully being at war with Britain, that ended the slave trade.

It the fact empire and domination are so unpopular in today world that the British empire get a bad rep, that does not mean it was neccessary bad thing.

I also suspect the world would be less advance today without the British empire.

Henry Linneweh
Henry Linneweh
13 years ago

hahahaha, he looks better in the picture than the mask

Rick Calkins Jr.
Rick Calkins Jr.
13 years ago

It was not until about my 15th birthday that I realized it was on Guy Fawkes Day. Bonfire Night!! Enjoy!!

Peter Wilds
Peter Wilds
13 years ago

I think that if Guy Fawkes had succeeded, we wouldn't necessarily be reading about him as a hero today. I am sure that opinion would still be sharply divided much like it is for Cromwell, who killed King Charles I.

George Hilbert
George Hilbert
13 years ago

+Peter Wilds of course it is not absolute. "heroes" will vary and their degree of praise will vary. However, the preponderance of evidence is in favor or those who are successful being celebrated as opposed to the "losers".

Dan Wade
Dan Wade
13 years ago

Speaking as an Englishman, I can't say I've ever seen or heard Guy Fawkes be hailed as a hero. How many heroes do you make dolls of then burn them on a fire??

Chris Ernest
Chris Ernest
13 years ago

Closing down all BOFA accounts……going to a Credit Union!!!!!

Victor Canada
Victor Canada
13 years ago

This conversation is what I love about Social Media. So many smart people in one room discussing history and a conversation in the next room (circle) about Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburgers. Life is good. 🙂

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

I make a point to remain out of politically things in public.. especially with random strangers here on G+…. BUT… it IS a holiday in the UK today..(even if schools and banks aren't closed) .. Celebrated often with fireworks, Bonfires, and Potato boilings.. and as such… I am not one to ignore my British buddies celebrations. 🙂

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain, that's what happens when celebrations are perverted into holidays that have nothing to do with the original events.

Dan Wade
Dan Wade
13 years ago

+David Greene are you still talking about guy fawkes night? Do you even know why we celebrate? We don't have "holidays" like you guys do in the states (mores the pity). We celebrate this night more as a reminder what happens to terrorists and traitors. I think the last phrase of the rhyme says it all:

I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

+Dan Wade, the majority of people in the UK who celebrate Guy Fawkes Night don't even know who Guy Fawkes is, aside from the V for Vendetta movie. Most probably think Guy Fawkes is some legendary hero from long ago and they just go to the celebrations for the fireworks and free food. And before you start ridiculing holidays in the United States, remember that Guy Fawkes Night is celebrating the capture, torture, and dishonorable death of a hired mercenary who wanted revolution. You do know that Arab countries and other 3rd-World Nations are the only places that still celebrate the death of a person they assume to be a "terrorist and traitor"?

Dan Wade
Dan Wade
13 years ago

+David Greene what do you base your assumption of the British people on?? Are you British? We have this thing called "schools" and in them we learn a subject called "history". We know who he was and what he did.

I'm sure some of the holidays you guys celebrate would be considered very poor taste if I were to ask a native American. Sure they LOVE the fact Columbus landed on their land. Just a guess……

Dan Wade
Dan Wade
13 years ago

And what the hell is V for Vendetta?? I don't base assumptions on other cultures from movies

David Greene
David Greene
13 years ago

I'm basing my assumption on the fact that the majority of kids I talk to from the UK only perceive Guy Fawkes as "that cool dude with the mask from the 'V' movie," +Dan Wade. And if it hadn't occurred to you already, not a whole lot of kids listen in history as it is; that applies to both American AND European countries. Nonetheless, are you seriously prejudging me based upon my nationality? For God's sake, it seems like people from the UK just get more and more hateful against Americans.

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